A Quiet Day

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'Old keys don't unlock new doors'

I wake up to the sun shining through my window. My first day of vacation starts, I look at the clock saying 8am. I walk into the bathroom and look at the mirror. I look at the post-it notes that I had put on the top of the mirror. I went through a dark time when I was younger. Janice and Ray enrolled me into school. I was willing to try it, but being the new kid is hard. I got bullied to the point I would hide in the janitor's closet.

You're awesome. You matter. You're loved.

I take a deep breath, maybe breaking out of my routine is what I need. After taking a shower I get dressed in jeans and a tshirt. All I owned was a couple jeans, mainly sweatpants and t-shirts. I make breakfast, I usually eat out, mainly from the diner. Food was free. I'll have to go to the store again. I scroll through my tablet, trying to find something to do. I could go to a museum. I finish and clean up before grabbing my jacket and making my way to The River's Museum. It was nice out, a good day for a walk to clear my mind. I walk into the museum and look around, there were so many directions that I could go.

"Princess?" I turn around to Nikola in an expensive suit. "What are you doing here?"

"Janice suggested that I do something new each day of vacation and I've never been here." I didn't want him to know that it was really my therapist that told me. He didn't need to know.

"I could show you around if you like, my love."

"My personal tour guard? That would be very kind of you. I do have one request before this tour starts."

"Anything princess."

"Can we get coffee?" He let's out a little chuckle.

"Of course, right this way." He loops my arm with his and we make our way to get some coffee. He takes me from room to room, telling me about each serial killer. "You should know this one."

"Everyone knows about Jack the Ripper. He's the the one that murdered prostitutes."

"He would mutilate his vicitim so bad, sometimes taking body parts. Every killer has a signature."

"Which if you didn't want to get caught, why would you do something the same to each kill?"

"Most times the killers won't know that they're doing it. Some do it to be cocky." I look at him, I was sneaking quick glances all day. He looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine and I looked like the one reading the magazine waiting in a checkout line so I didn't have to buy it. "How about lunch? There's this quiet little place down the street, best pasta."

"Ummm..." I was trying to find an excuse to get out of it. It was one thing for him to give me a tour in a museum that barely had anyone in it. Lunch, in a café with other people.

"I made you listen to me for hours, the least I can do is fed you." He looks at me and I look into his deep blue eyes. I feel my body jump when his hand cups my cheek. I feel my body start to relax when he rubs small circles on my cheek. "Lunch."

"Okay." I give in, he loops my arm back into his. We walk out of the museum, I try to pull my arm away, but he wouldn't let me. We walk to Bella's Café, I do have to admit it was cute. We follow a man through the restaurant and out back. It was quiet, not to many people. Nikola pulls my chair out and I give him a smile.

"Can I start you off with a glass of the house red?" I look at the man confused for a little bit.

"Just water is fine."

"We'll take two glasses." The waiter walks off and I look at Nikola. "He was asking if we wanted wine." I look down at the menu embarrassed, I definitely don't get out and I definitely didn't belong here.

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