The Day After

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'The way I see it, if you want the rainbow. You gotta put up with the rain'


I feel someone rubbing small circles on my back. I blink open my eyes and see Nikola looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Breakfast is ready." I look at the clock saying 10am.

"I slept a lot." I mutter out.

"You went through your first punishment. How do you feel?" I look up at him.


"Lay on your stomach, I'll be right back." He gets out of bed and I lay on my stomach. I lay there and let his scent take over. He calmed me, they all did. I look over my shoulder at him when I feel the bed dip.

"What's that?" I look at Nikola pull down my sweatpants.

"It's a lotion that will help, I put it on you last night. Nico sure did get you good." I jump a little from when the cool lotion hits my butt. I let out a groan and relax. "Oh kitten, I can't wait to torture you with wax and ice cubes." I feel myself get wet at his threat, or was it a promise. He pulls my pants back up.

We walk into the kitchen, I go to sit down then stop. I bite my lip trying to get comfortable. Stefano puts a plate in front of me, kissing me on my forehead.

"Where's Adrianno and Luca?" I look around the kitchen, but they weren't there. Nico opens his mouth, but his phone rings. He walks out of the kitchen.

"They left for work." Oh, work. Everyone had to work. That means this is my last week left of my vacation before I go back to work. What happens then?

"Are you going to eat?" I look at Nikola then back down at my food and take a bite.

"Stefano, this is amazing." I eat, then start to clean up. Nico walks into the kitchen in a suit. What is it with a man in a suit that does something to my body.

"Princess." I look at him and see a smirk on his face. "I'll be back, be good or I'll have more fun with that ass."

"Yes, sir." He gives me a kiss before walking out of the kitchen.

"Go get dressed my love, it's my day to make up." I see Nikola walk into the kitchen in jeans and a t-shirt. I don't think I've ever seen him in anything, but a suit, besides sweatpants. It looks good on him, his jeans hugged his butt, but not his legs. His shirt hugged his biceps, but not this abs. I knew what was underneath that shirt. I bite my lip when he let's out a laugh and I look down when I feel my cheeks start to heat up. "Go get dressed." I walk back to my room and get dressed in jeans and an off the shoulder thin sweater with flats. I walk back into the kitchen. Nikola walks up to me and takes down my hair, letting my black curls fall down.

"Where are we going?" I mutter out, I see a smile on his face.

"It's a surprise." He leads me to a car and opens my door. He buckles me in before getting in and pulling off. I feel his hand grab mine, I look down. His hand was bigger than mine, I could feel the heat. I relax into the seat, or as much as my butt would let me. After a while, we pull up to a building. I let out a smile as we walk inside, it was an art museum. "Before we start this tour. How about some coffee?" I look at him smiling.

"Yes, please. Lead the way, kind sir." He loops our arms together.

"Let's go, my love." We go and get coffee, there was a whole section on Italy and Greece and I just had to go. Everything is so beautiful, the art and the structures of everything was just breathtaking. "This is where Stefano and Nico grew up." I see pictures of a village and my eyes light up. They grew up in my dream destination? Lucky assess.

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