A Day Out

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"Don't allow your dreams to remain as dreams. Have the courage to turn them into reality. All you need is you'


I walk outside with Luca and we walk up to a motorcycle. He puts a helmet on me, I get on after him.

"Hold on as tight as you can." I grab onto him when the motorcycle comes to life. It was loud and I could feel it vibrate my whole body. "Ready princess?"

"Yes daddy." He pulls off, I could see why he loves it. Once he hit the open road, the wind hitting your body. You just feel so free, he pulls up to a carnival. I look at him as he puts up the helmet.

"Let's go princess." He leads me to the entrance. He pays for tickets to get in. "What do you want to do first?"

"I don't know, I've never been." He stops and looks at me.

"You've never been to a carnival?" I shake my head. "Then follow me." So many rides and so much laughing. More of Luca laughing at my expressions and yells. I was still having the time of my life.

"Luca, I'm hungry." I grab onto his arm after getting off the ride.

"Then let's get you fed kitten." I follow him to a couple stands, we find a place to sit down.

"To be honest, I never thought a carnival would be the place that you would bring me. I'm super glad you did. This is fun." I give him a smile.

"I didn't grow up with my parents. It was just my older brother, Lucien and me. We worked for carnivals, paid cash and nobody cared that we were kids. He got arrest when I was 12 years old and I haven't seen him since. I've tired looking everywhere with no luck." I hold his hand and he gives me a smile.

"So wait what attraction were you? Was it the kissing booth?" Luca let's out a laugh.

"No, but I might have to set up a kissing booth just for you. Free kisses." I let out a little laugh. "Lost and found. You would be amazed how many people would lose their kids. Adrianno and Nikola got lost, I helped them and they helped me. They became my brothers. Come on princess, let's go win you a prize." He pulls me to the games. To be honest, I think he just wanted to show off. He hands me a huge teddy bear.

"This is cute." I give him a kiss.

"Let's get you home." We start to walk and I see a little girl crying. Luca stops walking when I let go of his hand. I walk up to the little girl.

"Hey sweetheart." She turns around. "Macey?"

"Jess?" She rubs the tears away as best as she could.

"What wrong Mace?"

"I lost my mom when I went to the bathroom." She looks around and I could see the panic in her eyes.

"It's okay, how about we help you find her?" She grabs my hand, we walk around for about half an hour.

"Macey? Oh Macey!" We turn around to a woman.

"Mommy!" Macey runs up to her. "Mommy this is Jess, the one that played hopscotch with me. She helped me find you."

"Thank you, I've been a nervous wreck." I look at the woman who wrapped Macey in a hug, checking to make sure she was okay.

"Mommy, can we get a bear now?" Macey mutters out after her mom finishes checking all over her.

"Sweetheart, Mommy doesn't have the money." I could see the sad look in Macey's eye.

"How about you take mine?" Macey looks at me with a big smile on her face.

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