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'The more you live in the past, the less future you have to enjoy."


I wake up and the bed is empty, I at least thought Adrianno would be here. I get dressed and walk into the kitchen and it was empty too. I check each office and they're all empty. Why would he leave? He told me he would take me to the diner, soI text Lexi.

'Hey, I was suppose to go see Janice, Ray and Joe. Confronting the reason why I have abandonment issues. Nobody is home, any way you can pick me up and drop me off? No is a petfectly fine answer.' I sit the phone on the counter. I grab the phone and was about to tell her never mind, until my phone vibrates as her message comes across the top of the screen.

'Send me an address, I'm on my way.' I let out a smile and I send her the address. Lexi picks me up and we make our way to the diner.

"You don't have to stay, I'm kind of nervous to be honest."

"Oh no, I'm not letting you go into the witch's den alone." I let out a little laugh. "I don't know what you went through growing up but I'm sorry."

"Thanks Lex." We pull up to the diner, I look at the outside and take in a deep breath.

"You got this, I'm right here." She grabs my hand and we walk inside. The bell I swore sounded ten times louder when we stepped inside.

"Oh butterfly..." She stops for a minute, she goes to give me a hug, but I step back.

"What is this?"

"You're my mother." It's wasn't a question, I was telling her. Her look of shock is replaced with disbelief.

"What the hell have you been telling her?" She directs her anger towards Lexi.

"She didn't tell me a damn thing." I stand in front of Lexi when she squeezes my hand. "You should've told me from the start. All those times I cried to you about my parents and you were right there!"


"Stop, you have no right to call me that anymore." I see Ray and Joe walk up. "Any of you could've told me and you chose not too. Why?" I look at Janice, she wasn't sad or upset, she looked pissed. Which only added fueled to my anger.

"Why? I didn't want you, I tried to abort, but Joe begged me not to. They both believed you were a stillborn. I knew who you was when you walked through that door, they didn't realize it until you turned 21. I didn't even want her." She points to Lexi. "But I was caught when I tried to leave you. I do regret what I put both of you through." I let out a laugh.

"So what keeping me around was easing your guilt. Making you feel better? Helping you sleep at night? I'm glad one of us was able to. I came here and thought for some reason you would tell me it was all a mistake, you never meant to give me away. That's a joke, just like you. I mean this with all the disrespect in the world. Burn in hell. Come on Lexi." I go to walk out, I turn around in time to see Lexi smack Janice. She walks up to me with a smile on her face.

"That felt amazing." We walk outside. "You were such a badass." We stop when we see Luca and a guy I never met before. "Ethan." I hear Lexi mutter out.

"Get in the car." I look at Luca.

"I was going to do dinner with Lexi and Macey."

"It's 1:30pm, get in the car. I'll have Ethan bring Lexi and Macey over for dinner."

"Let's go little doe."

"I'll see you at dinner." Lexi gives me a smile before walking off with Ethan. I get in the front and pull off.

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