A Fresh Start

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'A fresh start may not be a new place. It's a mindset'

I wake up in bed and look around, it was empty. We made it back last night, but between the boat and the plane I was tired and was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I make my way to the kitchen after using the bathroom to get ready for the day. I walk into the kitchen and it's empty, maybe everyone is at work.

Duh, Jess everyone has a life. They have a job.

A job, I was going to have to face Janice, Ray and Joe sooner or later. I still can't believe my actual parents have been right in front of my face and they didn't say anything to me.

Because they didn't want you.

There goes that voice again, but maybe it's right. They had all kinds of opportunities to tell me that they made me, then just gave me up. They didn't look back. They didn't care about me then, why would they care now?

Then my mind goes to Lexi. I have a little sister. Is she older? Ray is her dad, did Janice cheat with Joe and that's why she gave me away?

"What's wrong little one?" I look at Luca walk into the kitchen.

"Nothing." I grab onto him when he puts me up on the counter.

"You're lying." I look at him and he wipes a tear away.


"We're meeting Lexi and Macey for lunch."

"You talked to her?" I small smile spreads across my face.

"I did and she's excited to meet you. Before we go, we should rewrap your leg." He walks away and comes back with the stuff to rewrap my leg.

"Luca, I love you." I see the smile on his face. "But what do I do now?"

"What do you mean?" He looks up at me, but then back toy leg, making sure the wounds were cleaned.

"I don't have a job anymore." He let's out a laugh and a smile spreads across his face.

"You can do whatever you want to do. Anything you need, just tell any one of us and you can have it." I look at him. "We will take care of you, that's what someone does when they love someone." I couldn't help the smile that spread across my lips. "All good."

"So it's almost healed? I can walk by myself?" He picks me up.

"I like carrying you." He gives me a kiss before I could say anything. We pull up to a cute café and walk inside.

"Jess!" I see Macey run up to me.

"Hey Mace." She shows us to the table, I look at Lexi with a smile on her face. She gets up and wraps me in a hug.

"I always knew I had a sister, I found your sonogram when I was 16." She pulls out a sonogram of 4 months before I was born. "Janice was pissed." She let's out a laugh. "I'm sorry, I tried looking for you. As soon as I turned 18, but there was no luck. I'm sorry." She grabs my hand and I look at the tears fall, then my tears start to fall.

"It's not your fault. The sad part in all this, I've been working at Ray's Diner for 14 years and they haven't said one thing to me." I try to let out a small laugh, but I could see anger and rage in her eyes.

"They knew, you were right there and they didn't say anything?" I shake my head.

"Joe is my dad."

"Janice had a relationship with both of them. That didn't both me, but she treated me as if I was a burden. A mistake that she couldn't get rid of. She tried, but Ray found her and stopped her."

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