Chapter Six: Reunion

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In moments, he stood outside the run down factory. The strong smell of iron hit him first, it was unmistakable and achingly familiar. There were two vampires sprawled out on the concrete, blood in pools by their bodies. One of them, an older vampire, tried to get back to his feet, but slumped back down with a wet 'thud'.

With a cold callousness, Eugene made his way into the factory stepping on the old vampire, hearing the satisfying crunch of bones as he did so. The vampire screeched, before an echoing silence took place over the area.

If the smell outside was bad, it was nearly unbearable inside. The factory was a completely open space, with only one floor. The walls were high, and the ceiling even higher. It was clearly used as a car repairs place, with scattered abandoned tools lying everywhere. In the midst of the chaos, a few more bodies were strewn about the dusty floor.

This time though, they were definitely dead.

Among the bodies, there was one that stood out. Raul led awkwardly, face down on the concrete floor surrounded by dark, drying blood. Eugene froze, his arms and legs unable to move as he stared on. A whirl of wind behind him announced Cassius' arrival. In seconds Cassius dashed past him and fell to his knees besides Raul.

Yet Gene still couldn't move. It was hard to tell from this distance if Raul was still alive. It wasn't like vampires needed to breathe, so he couldn't use that. And he was so still. Eugene was weighed down to the spot, by the grief that was consuming him.

If he couldn't even protect a close friend, how on earth was he meant to lead a clan?

Cassius gestured towards him to come closer, as he scanned over Raul. The simple gesture was enough to snap him out of his reverie. That's right, he was acting as though Raul was already gone. It was time for him to step up. It was time for him to lead.

In a rush, he fell to his knees beside the Spanish vampire. Cassius' face was grave, eyebrows drawn together and lips in a tight line. "It's not good." Cassius said simply, with a shake of his head.

Raul, himself, began to groan, muttering something incoherent in German as he blearily tried to move. "Mutter hilf mir," he murmured, then stilled once more. Carefully, Cassius turned the big man over. Raul was covered in wounds head to toe, there was so many Eugene couldn't even begin to count.

If they didn't act now, Raul really would die.

And that was unacceptable.

Gene pulled out his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants. Hurriedly dialling up Harvey's number. Though it killed his pride to finally ask his brother for help, there was nothing else they could do. With the amount of wounds Raul had sustained, normal medical help wouldn't cut it. They would have to resort to magic.

Begrudgingly the only witch he could trust was his brother. The number picked up in a matter of seconds. "Hello?" The voice came over statically, as he nodded to Cassius.

"Harvey. I need you to be at the flat as soon as possible. I can't explain now but we're going to need medical help. As much as you can offer." Eugene demanded. There was a brief pause over the static.

"I'll be there." Harvey replied, uncharacteristically serious.

"Good. I'll see you there." Eugene responded and abruptly hung up. Cassius had already began to haul the giant man into his arms. It was almost comical seeing such a slender vampire lifting up this larger vampire as though it was nothing. With another solidifying nod to each other, both of them used their vampiric speed to get back to the flat.

Eugene would have to deal with the clean up later. It was obvious some of the vampires had fled, and were left alive. He would chase after them when it was clear that Raul would survive this.

In a flash they were there. Back at the flat, he thanked the gods that no one was around this early in the morning to see them. The door of the flat had been shut, thanks to Cassius hindsight. But that wasn't what got him.

For the second time in mere minutes, Eugene froze. Because outside of the flat door, Annalise stood, looking at him as though he were the only thing that mattered. Concern and anxiety scrunching her face up. 

Cassius pushed past them all, including the two looming figures that stood beside Anna, like two imposing guard dogs.

"Gene?" Anna called out nervously, taking an unsure step forward. "What's-what's going on?" Her voice was like the clear sky at the beach, on an early morning sunrise. Clear, refreshing and full of hope. Eugene blinked, once, then twice. The lingering smell of blood a stark contrast to the early meeting.

"Brother?" Harvey snapped him out of his state, with a shake of the shoulder. "It's good to see you again Annalise, it's a shame its under such circumstances," Harvey continued, smiling broadly at the half demon, before rushing into the flat after Cassius, a large bag cradled under his arm.

"Anna." Eugene said, then shaking his head, he dashed back into the flat after his brother. He heard the stuttering footsteps behind him, as Annalise and her entourage followed. Unsure of whether or not they were welcome, they stood on the borderline as Anna walked right in.

Raul was placed in the living room on the sofa, with Cassius and Harvey hovering over him. Eugene settled himself besides Cassius as they watched Harvey's magic slowly seep into Raul's body.

"Eugene." Annalise demanded, standing next to him, her body stiff. "What's going on?". How Gene had longed to hear her voice, in the year she had been gone. He wanted to pull her in tightly, and never let her go. Hide in her heart until there was nothing left but her. There was just so much going on, he couldn't get the words out of his heart.

It wasn't the time for it though, his long time friend was led on the couch they all shared, bleeding to death. As much as he wanted to do these things, he couldn't. At least not now. Even then he couldn't stop the few words from slipping past his carefully placed mask. 

"Anna." Gene repeated, "Anna, I missed you." 

Authors Note:

Sooo guysss, it finally happened!! Eugene and Anna meet again, after a year of separation. But under such circumstances, what do you think will happen next? And our poor Raul too. 

I hope you guys are doing okay! This heatwave in England is really hitting hard rn. I hop eyou guys are doing good. Stay hydrated! 

As always thank you so much for reading!

Lots of love, 


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