Chapter Twenty Four: Emergency

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Unknown POV 

He watched from the alcoves of the lower marsh market, pushing through the cursed fires of hell that had surrounded it with ease. A woman of many faces stood at the epicenter besides the witch. She had many names. Perdita The Lost. Annalise Redwood. Anna. Half human. Half Demon.

A woman who, for all intents and purposes, should not exist.

A blip in the creation of the universe. An anomaly.

He could get rid of her now. Just as easily as he had gotten rid of Ronald, the vampire. But that wouldn't be a part of the greater plan. Something above the likes of Armarous and his plans for Revolution. His type w0as always the same, hungry and desperate for something more. Power. Like Vitus before him, they would all fall just the same.

True power isn't held in desperate, clammy hands of sinners. It wasn't magic. It wasn't in hell, and it wasn't on earth.

Micheal smiled, as Perdita screamed. Lurching after her friend, the witch, who'd narrowly missed being shot through the arm.

Perdita The Lost One, was still far too human.



Harvey fell to the ground, clutching his bleeding arm. He hadn't been shot, but only just. The bullet had grazed him, cutting a gash into his upper arm. He knelt down to the ground in shock, and Annalise followed after him, bending over to clutch his shoulder.

Her head whipped to the side, where the bullet had come from. Through the crackling smoke and fire, an armored vehicle had stormed through. The tough Kevlar kept it relatively unscathed. Fuck.

The Army.

A human man stood outside the armored jeep, pointing a large gun at them. Annalise opened her mouth to warn them, to get them to stop. But before she could say anything, the man fired again.


Annalise didn't realize it at first. Harvey stood up frantically, gripping her shoulders with a strength she didn't know he had. Oddly enough his hair was falling out of the carefully placed bun it had been put in. And the witch didn't care. It was strange to see him so..scared?

She opened her mouth again to speak, to tell him 'we need to go', yet nothing came out. It was almost in slow motion as she looked down at her body. Blood was blooming at the center of her stomach, spreading out like petals of a flower on her white t-shirt.

That sucked. It was new.

Her vision blurred. Then she fell.



Eugene watched numbly, as his brother caught Annalise in his arms, shouting at them to get over to him. That they needed to leave and now. Raul appeared at his side, grasping his shoulders as he began to heave Eugene back towards Harvey.

But Gene was frozen, it was almost like watching a movie play from behind his eyes as Raul grasped onto Harvey, with one hand, the other still clutching at himself. The tell-tale blue smoke wrapped around their ankles, as the world disappeared from under their bodies. Just as the sound of gunshots faded.

They re-appeared in Harvey's bungalow not a moment later, and it shocked him back into action. Eugene couldn't just sit around and watch Annalise die. He couldn't. Harvey rushed to the sofa, with Annalise still clutched in his arms.

Gently depositing her down, as Eugene fell to his knees at her side. Immediately he pressed his hands onto the wound, pushing down. Trying hard not to think how this was where he had kissed her, only a few nights ago.

"Can you help her?" Eugene demanded, not looking up from staring at the blood flowing between the cracks of his fingers. He'd seen blood before, death and murder. He'd seen it and done it all. But it was different. It was her.

"I don't- i've never helped a demon before. And the bullet- she needs a doctor. I- im not a doctor," Harvey mumbled, his bloody hands shaking. It was the worst he'd ever seen his brother act. He'd never been so, so small looking. When he was a child, Harvey had been the do all and end all to his world. His idol.

"Do it." Eugene demanded, taking control of the situation. "Help her." Harvey looked at him, shaking his head. "Please." He pleaded, his voice dipping. Harvey nodded firmly, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed.

"Okay. Okay, i can do it. I can do it," Harvey affirmed to himself, kneeling besides his brother, hands hovering over where Eugene was staunching the wound. Blue toned magic seeped into the bullet hole, as he prayed.

God, Eugene prayed, that this would work. Cause he didn't know what he'd do if it didn't.


An hour or so had passed, Gene's phone had been ringing insistently. He looked at it dispassionately, tossing it onto the kitchen counter. Victoria's caller ID blared and then silenced. They must have seen the news a million times by now.

It was all anyone could talk about. Eugene looked at the TV. The news had still been on the entire time they'd been gone. And now, as they'd come back, they were all over it. Images of Annalise and Harvey, alongside the Revolution had been all over social media.

 People were speculating. 'Alien species' 'Lizard men' 'Werewolves' 'Real life witches'. And exactly on how to deal with them. None of it was good. The UK Government was set to debate the issue in parliament later tonight. On how to deal with these 'alien terrorists'.

Even worse, they had dumped Annalise and Harvey into the same category. Terrorists.

Eugene wanted to smash the TV. He wanted them to stop. He wanted it all to fucking stop.

Harvey had gotten nowhere, healing Annalise had brought about more problems than not. She'd hemorrhaged as Harvey attempted to pull the bullet out with his magic. It was only down to his years of experience as a witch, did it not end up with her dead.

He was still hovering over her, twitching as the magic dispelled from his fingers. There was less blood now, only stains of where it once was. But Annalise was pale. Too pale. Every second that passed, felt like a second closer to losing her completely. Dread filled his stomach, and the only way for him to stop collapsing was to pace.

So that was what he was doing, keeping a hawk eye on her as she was slowly, slowly, healed. 


Authors Note: 

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Im curious to know what you think will happen next! Let me know what you think. 

As always, thank you so much for reading, 

Lots of love, 


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