Chapter Nine: First Kiss

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"The woods. They must be in the woods." Eugene stated, a harsh frown marring his thin lips. Annalise nodded, carefully treading over pools of blood as she followed Gene out the double door fire exit. As soon as the fresh air hit her, she swallowed down a greedy deep breath. She hadn't realised it at the time, but she had been holding her breath to avoid the pungent iron smell in the factory.

Although the air outside the factory wasn't that much better. Behind the factory was littered with rubbish, rouge paper, broken furniture and hardware. It had clearly been used as a dumping ground since the abandoned building had become derelict. Annalise shifted slightly to look behind her and back into the factory where her two friends were aimlessly milling about.

Eiseth caught her eye and sighed dramatically. "You probably know what I'm going to ask, Eiseth. Do you mind?" Annalise asked with a nervous laugh. It was a part of the full blooded, female demon's powers to be able to track down anyone using only a sample of their blood. Eiseth had been named 'The Succubus'. With her unique powers she was able to seduce and charm anything, to do whatever she demanded of them.

The switch side of that was she was able to track them through their blood. Like a hunter to prey. Perfect for finding her victims. Eiseth looked as though she would rather do anything but at the moment.

"Fine." Eiseth hissed through her teeth, "But you have to buy me one of those ice coffees? I hear human females love them. I want to try one." She demanded, she trotted over to the nearest pool of red liquid. Annalise nodded in agreement even though the Succubus couldn't see her, an ice coffee was a small price to pay.

She dipped her warm brown fingers into the blood, it had begun to coagulate, leaving it sticking and thick on her fingers. With closed eyes, Eiseth stuck her fingers into her mouth, sucking off every last drop she could get before pulling them out. Slowly, she wandered out to where Eugene and Annalise were standing, her tongue rooming around her sharp teeth, as if she were trying to get food out of them.

Bael followed closely behind her.

With a harmonic hum, Eiseth nodded towards the south of the building. "Follow me," She demanded. Annalise and Bael eagerly followed after, but Gene looked as though he couldn't trust the demons. Stuttering behind them. With a smile though, Annalise tried to silently reassure him. It seemed to work, as he picked his pace up to stand right besides her.

Like nothing had changed.

The deeper they went into the woods, the denser it became. Like people at a rather subpar club, the trees got closer and closer together. Moss covered the ground, woods, and trunks. Whatever it could cover, it did, with its dark evergreen. Even the air was different, the smell of petrichor thick in the humid air.

It had been around five minutes since the first entered the woods, when Annalise began to hear it. Chatting. Almost over a dozen voices straining to be heard over each other. Whoever they were, they were clearly panicked. She strained a bit more, and finally managed to catch something.

"We need to leave-"

"We cant! He hasn't told us to yet!"

"Have you heard of the Modesto Clan?! Of course we need to leave-"

Well, that answered everything she had been wanting to know. Even Eiseth and Bael had slowed to a stop, both looking to her for some sort of direction. It seemed that Gene had come to the same conclusion. Instead of waiting to sit and plan anything though, his whole body had coiled up. Like a viper ready to strike, he was about to run head first into them.

Tightly she gripped his right arm, she'd be a fool to think her strength would be enough to stop him. But she hoped the sentiment would be. Flashbacks from her final Trial, Wrath fluttered through her mind. Images of dark obsidian flames, and corning a demon like a rat in a cage.

That's what they could do. She could use her flames to corner the vampires, leaving only one exit for themselves. It would put them into a panic and give them a chance to attack. She gripped his forearm a little tighter, and looked directly into his stunning green eyes. A green that was equal to the moss surrounding them.

"Gene." She spoke softly, but no less demanding. "Don't rush out there. Tell me how many you think there will be, roughly. I told you. I have a plan. Trust me,". She willed her sincerity to show through her eyes, she needed his attention now. His everything in this moment, or her plan could go tits up.

He looked moments away from pouncing, his muscles twitching under her touch. Then he stilled, looking down to where her hands touched him. "From what I can tell around 30 vampires. 10 dead, 20 alive.". Right, that was something Annalise could work with. His gaze lifted from her hands, then to her lips, and then back to her eyes.

Her heart jumped excitedly.

Following on a whim, the looming fight and adrenaline making her act impulsively, she grabbed his other arm and twisted him to face her. Gene's lips twisted into a confused, fond smile as he tilted his head at her actions. There was only one clear thought in her mind at that moment.

Kiss him.

So she did exactly that. With a confidence Annalise never knew she had, she pulled Gene down to her height and softly pressed her lips against his own. His lips were dry, cracked and could definitely use some chapstick but her heart still raced anyway. Like it was the most exciting thing she had done in her entire life. In fact, it probably was.

Then, she felt him slowly press back. His lips moving against her own slowly, like the tide on a sunny day. A warmth blossomed in her chest, it felt like what arriving home should feel like. Soothing, safe, soft and forever hers.

The moment quickly ended as they were interrupted by her friends scoffing. Annalise hastily pulled back from the vampire, even as his lips followed where hers had been. She wanted to continue as well, god she wanted to more than anything. But now wasn't the time.

In a haste to conceal her embarrassment she turned to face where the rogue vampires were hiding. Slightly bending her knees, she let her power run through her like electric, causing goosebumps across her arms. Extending her palms parallel to the ground she allowed roaring, black flames, to loom around them. Cackling and insidious.

Screams and shouts indicated that the rogue vampires too, had been engaged by her cursed flames. 

Authors Note: 

Hey ya'll bit of a late update this week, so I'm sorry for that! I've been so busy, I've had a lot of doctors appointment this week on top of a lot of other stuff and just haven't had the time. Updates are going to be a bit inconsistent for a month or so, purely and simply cause I'm gonna be busy. Hope you guys are doing okay! 

But i will ofc still update. This story means so much to me, and I'm never going to just drop it! I really hope you're enjoying this so far! Let me know what you think! Thank you for so much of your love and kindness and for simply reading. 

The seqeul is already at 2.2k views and we're only on chapter nine! So thank you so much! 

Lots of love, 


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