Chapter Fifteen: Dirty Business

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With a long suffering sigh, Annalise got up to follow them. They crowded into the relatively small bathroom, looming over the rogue. Eugene and Cassius were staring dully at the man, cowering on the floor topless. She rolled her eyes, and stared at Bael for the explanation. Raising an eyebrow, as if to say, 'really'.

"I read his mind, you can't tell me you aren't a little bit curious either." Bael explained, with a dry smirk. There was a lingering sinister look in his stormy eyes. "I couldn't help but transform into the thing he hated most. It was practically automatic, you know what my abilities are like," Waving a hand dismissively, he looked down at the shivering vampire.

"Right and what would that be," Annalise said dryly, humouring him. The smile on his face turned sinister. The deceptive innocent look about him, completely mismatched to the demon underneath.

"Spiders. He really hates spiders." The vampire in question began to shake his head repeatedly, as if pleading for Bael to stop. "His sister, get this. Used to keep them as pets. She would hide them under his covers as a prank." Bael continued. "He killed her, the moment he was turned. She was 9."

The atmosphere in the room thickened so much it was barely breathable. Any remote ounce of sympathy for the man vanished that moment. This rogue had killed his own sister. At such a young age. Blankly, Annalise continued to stare at him, thoughts echoing throughout her mind.

It seemed the other vampires were thinking along the same lines, as Gene used his vampiric speed to grab the man's neck. Immediately the rogue began to struggle in his grip, unable to move his arms as they were chained to the radiator. The veins in Eugene's arm began to bulge under the force of his grip, and even though Annalise knew it wasn't right to think like this. She couldn't help but wonder about how amazingly hot he looked when he was self assured about his power.

"You tell me now. Where is your leader?" Gene hissed, his fangs drawing past his upper lip. The rogue intensified his struggles, the handcuffs began to make high pitch 'dings' against the radiator behind him.

"I don't know, I don't know, I DON'T KNOW, I DON'T KNOW HIM" The rogue panicked, eyes pleading for Gene to stop.

He didn't.

But clearly this was going to get them nowhere. Annalise hadn't spent a year, in literal hell, just to come out the other side unphased. It was difficult, she had done things, been taught things that she never wanted to remember. Things had to lock in the back of her mind, to keep going. And in those moments, when she hadn't wanted to keep going, Gene, her friends, and her brother had been the shining beacon she used.

That didnt mean she could forget what she'd done. And now, she could use it. Astaroth had taught her interrogation. It was a critical teaching point for demons coming of age. She'd been taught how to get what she wanted, without leaving a physical mark.

So, Annalise knelt down besides the rogue, with the softest smile she could muster. Even though it made her sick on the inside to give this man any shred of sympathy. Gently she touched his shoulder. A lock of hope brightened up the rogues dishevelled face, as he looked between her and Eugene.

Clearly he thought she could be swayed to his cause.

"What's your name?" Annalise asked gently. A wobbly smile lifted his features for a moment. She could tell Eugene was staring at her in confusion, but she pushed it to the back of her mind for the time being.

"Yeah, yeah. Its er, its Ronald Darcing! Yeah, my name is Ronald Darcing!" The rogue- Ronald, stuttered fumbling over the words in his panic. She patted his shoulder encouragingly. And he continued bolstered by her 'understanding'.

"This has got to be a mistake. Right?" Ronald looked at her in askance, but she didn't respond. "If you let me go home, I won't tell anyone, I promise!". Annalise smiled softly, and nodded. She felt dirty. Disgusting.

"Well Ronald Darcing." She drawled, looking down to the bathroom floor for a fleeting moment, then looking back up. "Your leader. He happens to be my father," Annalise informed him, offering him a single truth. Something to make him believe in her just a little bit more.

The hope slowly began to drain from his face, a sickly paleness drawing over his skin. It was like someone had sucked the life from him. "There's a human saying, for fathers and their children. Something like, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree? Do you know that phrase?" Annalise asked, her tone even and unphased.

"You're nothing like him! No, not at all!" Ronald mumbled, eager to appease her.

"I'm not?" Annalise asked innocently. Only slightly flinching when Gene's hand tightened on Ronald's neck, causing him to squeak. It was a warning, if anything. The rogue vampire shook his head no, viciously. The soft smile sapped from her face.

"So you know who he is then. He is your leader." Annalise deadpanned, looking down at him. The vampire closed his eyes, resigning, as it began to dawn on him. He fell into her trap, in his utter eagerness to use her to escape.

She withdrew her hand from his shoulder.

And instead, hovered them over his 'jewels' instead. Nails sharpening into claws as they were want to do when she fully embraced her demonic half.

"Tell me where he is, or else I'll rip off your balls and feed them to you."

In the corner of her eyes she could see Eugene's mouth drop in shock. His grip on the vampire's neck slackened, for just a pause, before it tightened once more. The rogue slipped into hysterics, balling and sobbing.

"Please, please. I don't know where he is." Ronald begged. "But, but- I do know this. It's not just him! He's working with someone else, I'm not sure. A demon maybe? He could transform? So I think he's a demon." He rattled on, and Annalise let him continue, soaking up everything he could offer.

"They're going to take it public real soon. Like really soon. They're planning to ambush a London shopping centre? A whole load of supernatural are going there werewolves, vampires, even fae! I think..." Dread curdled up like acid in Annalise's stomach.

"What shopping centre." Eugene demanded, thinking along the same line as her. "What one!" The urgency in his voice mimicked what she was feeling.

"Lower Mars-" The vampire began.

And promptly blew up. Covering her and the bathroom in entrails and blood.


Authors Note: 

Hey guys! How are you all doing? I hope you like this chapter! What do you think happened to Ronald? Let me know what you think! And this relatively new side of Annalise, what do you think about that? I always love reading your comments! 

Just a little update on my side, unfortunately a close family member died last night, so for the weeks coming updates may be a little hectic. Its also my birthday in a few weeks, and cross fingers, i should be going on holiday for it. 

On another note, i was thinking about creating a tik tok or twitter for my books? Give you guys sneek peaks of future chapters, unseen chapters that weren't published, and maybe even a face reveal? So you can sorta get to know me more personally rather than just an anonymous author lol. Is that something you would be intrested in? If so let  me know! 

Thank you so much for reading, once again, i love to see your reactions, and im always grateful for you guys <3 

Lots of love, 


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