Chapter Twenty Five: Mors tua

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His arms trembled subtly, as his hands hovered mere inches over the wound. She'd haemorrhaged not moments ago. And only now, was he beginning to make edgeways in healing her. It was something to do with the conflicting parts of her being. Demon and human. The human half of her was receptive to healing magic, the demon half not so much.

Harvey knew.

Harvey knew had Annalise not turned around at the minute, the bullet would have gone straight through his head.

It was a guilty sort of relief. He'd never wanted anyone to get hurt. But, knowing what could have been, he couldn't help but feel some sort of consolation that he wasn't dead right now. Harvey's throat tightened with bitterness, towards himself, towards the situation at a whole, he didn't know.

It was getting harder to breathe.

He looked at his brother, welcoming the distraction from his thoughts. Eugene had forsaken his phone to the kitchen counter, where it was still quietly buzzing. He was pale, paler than any normal vampire. Looking far too much like his actual age, rather than the firm twenties he usually appeared to be.

Haggard, broken and with the weight of the world on his shoulders Eugene stood besides him again. Looking smaller than he'd ever seen him.

"There's blood in the fridge if you need it," Harvey said offhandedly, eyeing his brother speculatively. Forest green eyes hardened as they stared him down. A trickle of nervousness made him swallow reflexively.

"Really? Now?" Eugene snapped. He rubbed a hand across his face, and Harvey felt slightly relieved the weight of his stare was no longer on him.

Harvey had nothing more to say, as he looked back down at Annalise's still form. She was sickly pale, breathing shallow and uneven. But, the bleeding had stopped. And that was the main concern.

The smoky magic faded, slipping back underneath his skin like small wispy snakes. He couldn't do anything more for her. If he kept going, he would run out of magic and that wasn't something any mage or witch could go through without major consequences.

He could feel Eugene's weighted stare on him once again. "How is she?" The vampire demanded and Harvey could hear the underlying threat underneath it. 'If she's not okay, then it's on you'. Or perhaps that was just his guilty conscious speaking.

Harvey sighed, shoulders slumping. "She'll be okay. I- I didn't think she would, but she'll be okay. She just needs to rest now. You know as well as I do, that healing magic takes a lot out of the caster and the patient." He explained.

Harvey stood, his knees making a god awful crunch as he did so. The dangers of getting old and sitting in one position for too long, he guessed morbidly. The witch stretched lightly, before making his way to the bathroom. All he wanted right now was a good soak. Grimacing as he looked at the blood on his hands.

As he made his way to the bath, he cast one final look over his shoulder. Eugene was on his knees, besides Annalise. Green eyes had softened, as he gently stroked the curve of her cheek. He was looking at her like she was his entire world. And maybe she was.

The witch could only hope to find love, like his brother had done. With a shrug, Harvey turned and walked away.



Lycoris flowers bloomed in a field full of crimson red. Absentmindedly, she ran her fingers through the petals, revelling in their soft caress. She wanted to enjoy the moment, bask in the setting sun but something was decisively wrong.

The turning of her stomach did not stop as she watched a dark figure materialise at the end of the field. They were too far for her to fully make out who it was. Yet even at this distance, she knew. It thrummed like a drum in her veins with the knowledge. Maybe it was because they were two distinctly different people, like the north and south side of a magnet.

The dark figure titled his head, and as she got closer to him she could see it. Down at his foot was a lifeless body. One she was all too familiar with. It was one she'd seen before.

It was her own.

Her breathing began to quicker, her palm began to get sticky with sweat. Annalise still couldn't make out the figure, it was almost as if he was blurred, coated in TV static so she couldn't identify him.

Words, not spoken aloud, echoed in her head.

"Mors tua, vita mea." 

A hand grasped her chin, gently pulling it upwards. The man, and she knew it was a man deep in her soul, shifted his head closer to her. So much so, their lips were almost touching. And then, before she could get a good look at his figure, she woke up.

With a jolted start, she whipped upwards. Wincing at the pain, collapsed back down onto something softly plush. It took her seconds to realise where she was. Harvey's quaint bungalow.

"Anna!" A voice called out, the hope and relief in that one single word had her choking up. She smiled at him, like it was the most natural thing in the world. Eugene was sitting on the bed besides her, his weight causing a slight dip.

He was smiling. It was a toothy, carefree grin that she'd never really seen on his face before. It took a moment, and then he was on her and all over her. He kissed her cheeks, her eyebrows, her nose and her face. Peppering her with light pecks everywhere but her lips.

Annalise moved her face to catch his lips, just as he was going to kiss her check again. He smiled into the kiss and so did she. Eventually they pulled away from each other. And then, all in one, she remembered what happened.

She'd been shot.

The half demon looked back down at her stomach, hiking up the loose grey top she was wearing. Someone must have changed her, and she wondered momentarily who had done it. Her stomach was clear of blood, a flat plane, except for the slightly puckered red scar blooming just below her belly button.

She poked it gently, and winced at the ensuing pain. It was still tender. Annalise looked back to Eugene, frowning.

"How long has it been?" She asked, noticing the stubble on his chin that wasn't there before. He seemed tired, starving and smelt lightly of cigarette smoke. He couldn't look her in the eyes as he spoke.

"Two weeks."


Authors Note: 

Hey guys! How are  you doing? I hope you're all well. If you liked this chapter let me know! I always appreciate you guys reading <3 What do you think the latin meant in this chapter? 

Thank you so much!

Ahah! I finally set up the twitter for my books. Make sure to follow so you can keep track of updates! It's pretty bare atm, as ive only now managed to set it up lol. Thank you so much for everything <3

Lots of love, 


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