4. Four

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When I reached my room I headed straight to the bathroom and drew myself a bath instead of calling Magda

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When I reached my room I headed straight to the bathroom and drew myself a bath instead of calling Magda. I hated the thought of someone else doing something so simple for me when I have hands and feet of my own.

I threw in some dried lavender and rose petals and some essential oils to relax my body. Letting the tub fill up as I took off the ruined dress.

As I finally settled into the tub the warm water soothed my aches. I remembered Teo kissing me hungrily earlier, the sparks that I felt as he ravaged my lips. He made every hair on my body rise up. My hand slowly crept down to please myself to the memory of his scent and the much vivid memory of our kiss. Each brush of my finger, I'd imagine it was his tongue that was making me feel that way between my legs.

After my bath I changed into a pink silk spaghetti strap top and its matching shorts and made my way to bed. My knees were cut open and the scabs were looking extra gross from soaking in the water. Rugged concrete was a pain the ass.

When I finally laid down I heard a knock at my door. It was Teo with a first aid kit in his hands.

He sat at the corner of my bed and began putting ointment and band-aids on my knees.

"Teo what happened today?" I asked him.

"Nothing serious Rosie" he replied down playing the situation.

I rose a brow at him knowing damn well if it wasn't anything he wouldn't have drawn his guns.

He looked back up from my knees to me and let out a deep breath.

"That car belonged to the daughter of the Serafin family, they're high table. There are a total of 5 families in the high table, nuestra familia (our family), the Italians run by the Lombardi, the Irish by the Clarkes, the Russian by the Novikov family and the Polish by the Serafin family. We all have our different territories and live amongst each other with a very fragile truce. Kinda like we don't fuck with them they don't fuck with us. The city might seem big but sometimes things can overlap each other on accident, we're only human after all." He smiled.

"Kind of like today, apparently Eryk Serafin's daughter Aleksandra fancies the same dress shop we were at." He said as he puts a large band-aid on my knee.

I gave a sigh of relief knowing there was no real danger today.

"Tomorrow will these families be here for the party Teo?"

He nodded his head up and down, " yes they will be here, where we will present you to them as our family Rosie. Don't worry though we are not animals and no one will be armed while in attendance. Even the high table families can be civilized for one night."

I couldn't help but laugh as if that would help ease my nerves. I suddenly got quiet remembering our earlier encounter.

His expression was hard to read as he took my legs into his lap. "I heard you earlier in the shop, you handled yourself pretty well presenting yourself as a Leon standing your ground, I like that," he said giving me a devilish smile.

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