47 Evie

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I hadn't meant for Luca and I to be so loud that someone knocked on the side wall of the van. Just once, two quick taps. It was part of the rules. Luca and I were supposed to be quiet, so quiet no one outside would know we were in here. Several leg numbing orgasms later though, someone had to let us know we had to keep it down.

Another reason was we were approaching another rest stop and driver change. I made some popcorn and grabbed a couple other snacks and drinks before returning to Luca and the bed. Cuddled close on the relatively small bed compared to what I had recently grown accustomed to. Naked, skin to skin, snacks and the first Resident Evil movie. Luca's choice from the DVD collection.

After a total of eight rest stops. The alarm sounded, it was one hour until we reached our destination, hopefully Josephine's alarm had remained synced to ours. In one hour I was going to send her the coordinates and she had five minutes to get as many of her chosen to the target as possible.

I wondered how the older woman felt. The one time she gave her heart away, had been nearly enough to break the world. Then I come along, and tell her exactly how I am going to fix everything she has spent her life working on. It will be interesting to see how she reacts to me afterwards.

The minutes were slipping by too quickly. I didn't even know what movie was on now. I couldn't pay attention to anything. There was a buzz in the air. Like the air knew things were about to change in a big way. I just hoped things went how planned. I had glimpsed a few failures when I tested the odds.

"You know you can do this Evie. I know you can." Luca said. Squeezing my hand. His surety fighting my doubts as her words interrupted my fear spiral. I nodded, letting him fill me up with his love and confidence in me.

We were there. I could feel the invisible barrier just ahead of where the bus had finally rolled to its last stop right on time with the second alarm. I pulled out my original phone. Texted Josephine the coordinates that would put her little army just on the opposite side of the small crumbling farm house appearing building.

An obvious glamour if you knew what to look for. Just as the barrier was obvious if you knew to look for one. These were warnings. Bright magical warning flags telling everything around to just stay back and mind their own business.

I felt the gateway open on the other side, Auris was here. Then I felt hundreds of tiny glowing lights of magic joining us. Josephine's army. Everything was in place. Luca was looking at me expectantly.

"Come with me, this wont take long." Luca jumped and followed me. Both of us stepping out inside bright sunlight for the first time in nearly two full days. I could feel the barrier, the magic wasn't locked, it was living. Someone was generating this force field. The moment I touched it the alarm would sound inside the compound.

No one knew it yet; it was already too late for anyone inside. I had been too late the moment they took me from my bed. I was Justice and I was going to strike down like a bolt of lightening.

Hand in hand, Luca and I walked to the invisible barrier. Raising my free hand I shot a pink flare into the sky. Josephine was expecting more directions. She had already done all I needed.

I reached towards the barrier, pulling the magic from it and whatever tragic witch was powering it completely. I felt the witch fall. All her magic, every bit of power she ever had was mine. Heard the alarms start to sound, fighting from the other side of the woods. 

"Stand back, Luca. It's time." With a nod Luca stepped away after kissing my hand. The Rovers standing in an protective ring around me. Then I let Vi'Ja loose.

Nearly a hundred smokey snake bodies erupted from me as Vi'Ja split his nature, each snake racing towards a target. I felt witch after witch fall as all their magic was taken from them. Leaving them mortal and human as the screaming started. Horrible haunting anguished sounds as each realized what was happening. I became more and more powerful, as witched and Silenced Sisters tried to deny what was happening. I wasn't just borrowing their power. I was taking it as my own. The very spark that let them touch the source of magic, I took it back.

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