The First Meeting

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I sat myself down next to Meeks

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I sat myself down next to Meeks. Neil and Charlie stood behind us, pointing the route to the cave on the map we had somehow manage to find. Cameron sat opposite me and his worry seemed to be eternal. I had my doubts, but from everything Keating had described I felt I had an obligation to go experience something so amazing. I needed to seize the opportunity, seize the day. Knox sat next to me and he wasn't really paying much attention. That girl had really gotten to him.

"Okay, follow the stream to the waterfall. It's right there. It's got to be on the banks," Neil whispered, directing us with his finger that traced the path.

"I don't know, it's starting to sound dangerous," Cameron whined, his loyalty to Mr Nolan and the staff evident.

"Well why don't you stay home?" Charlie spat back, his voice's volume increasing from frustration.

"For God's sake stop chattering and sit down!" Mr McAllister yells from his desk, almost breaking his pencil.

Somebody had a bad day in the office.

Charlie gestures for Meeks to move up, slotting himself between me and my friend to avoid getting into trouble. Neil walks around the other side of the table, sliding onto the bench casually. Neil exchanges a knowing look with me and Meeks before going off to coerce Todd.

"You need to be more discreet with your insults Dalton." I jeered, my voice only audible to him.

"Oh shut it Bennet, you asshole," he responded bitterly, his voice still fairly loud.

"That the best you got?" I continued, pressing his buttons just for the sake of it.

"Do you even have anything nice to say about me? " He enquired, his voice filled with a surprising amount of hurt.

"Oh shut up, will you? " Mr McAllister yelled, ending the small debate.


I yanked my coat off the hanger in my wardrobe, each student had to wear the same one- another ridiculous uniform standard. It was black, which was good for camouflage, but the inside material was thin and it didn't keep you very warm. Due to this, I made sure to layer a sweater underneath. I grabbed the metal torch off my desk, stopping for a moment to take in how heavy it actually was. I never really had a use for it until today, I had brought it each year nonetheless. I finally pulled on the piece of fabric, leaving the buttons undone. I inhaled, every single possibility of something going wrong flooding through my mind as if the dam keeping me sane had finally crumbled under the water-weight of worry. I let my hand make contact with the door handle, it was cold against my palm. I thought of changing my mind, but the familiar voice of my English teacher seemed to whisper to me slightly, "Carpe Diem. Seize the day." I shivered uncomfortably, finally deciding to let my impulsiveness take over. I gently pulled the door open, peering out into the dim, empty hallways of the floor.

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