Moments before

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"So, you guys best friends again?" Meeks quizzed, raising an eyebrow as he buttered his toast.

"Something like that," Charlie snorted, causing me to kick roughly him under the table.

He hissed in pain, sending me a discreet glare.

"He's definitely not fully forgiven yet, but it's Neil's night. I want nothing to ruin it," I explain, sending Meeks a small smile.

"Took you two long enough, really," Pitts stated bluntly, mid-chew on his porridge.

"You got that right, Charlie was getting on my nerves," Cameron agreed, shaking his head at the thought.

I rolled my eyes, turning my head as I saw Neil and Todd come into view. The two were grinning softly, chuckling as they walked shoulder-to-shoulder as they whispered to each other. I smiled gently to myself, making a mental note to ask Neil later what had happened with Keating.

"The man of the hour!" Charlie announced, clapping his hands as the duo sat themselves down.

"Excited?" I quizzed, watching the smile on Neil's face grow ten times bigger.

"Shitting bricks excited," he responded, his eyes flickering between Charlie and I.

The memories of yesterday seemed to flood back, and it surprised me how contained Neil presented himself. I stared at him, my eyes questioning. He stared back, his smile faltering slightly. But I noticed Todd move his hand off the table, and Neil's attention swiftly turned to him. I decided to leave if for now, I'm sure I'd find out everything later anyway.

"So, where's Knoxious?" I asked, looking around for someone to answer.

I watched as Charlie sank into his seat more, Meeks lips upturning into a small grin he was trying his best to contain. I made eye contact with Pitts, raising an eyebrow. He chuckled lightly.

"Why don't you ask Dalton?" Pitts laughed, gesturing to the boy.

I sighed, "Spit it out then."

"He's at Chris's school, confessing," Charlie mumbled through a cough, folding his arms high up across his chest.

"You're fucking kidding! He's literally harassing her at this point! Don't tell me you all encouraged him," I scoffed, already picturing Knox's funeral in my head.

"He's a man in love, what was I supposed to say!" Charlie exclaimed, throwing his hands up into the air.


"Move it Cameron, I need my books," I teased, squeezing my way through the crowd of boys who were collecting their books.

"You heard the girl, chivalry," Charlie echoed, also trying to grab his own property.

"Ow! Stop pushing," Cameron yelped, suddenly being nudged out the way by Pitts.

"Get out of here. Cameron, you fool," Charlie snorted, all of our group finally managing to collect our stuff.

As if on que, Knox comes running up the stairs, a grin plastered on his face uncontrollably. Charlie notices, grabbing his blazer and pulling him towards the rest of us. I exchanged a look of concern with Meeks, frightened for his story.

"Hey, how'd it go? Did you read it to her?" Charlie quizzed, staring at him forcefully.

"Yeah." Knox answered, his tone giddy.

All of the boys began to make noises of excitement and approval, only to be shut down by Charlie immediately.

"What'd she say?" Pitts asked, fiddling with the books in his hands.

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