Requiem Of The Murderer - Cello 20

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Early the next morning, when everyone got up and was about to "go to school", they saw Ma Xin running over, wrapped in a coat, wearing a hat and scarf, carrying a large bag full of small bags.

"Wow! It's spectacular!" Ma Xin jumped around the train.

Ma Han waved to her at the window, " Why didn't you called me? I'd drive to the station to pick you up, why did you come by yourself?"

Ma Xin stood on tiptoe and looked inside, "Amazing! Did you directly transform it from a train?"

Luo Tian ran out to pick her up, and she got into the car excitedly.

Zhao Hu touched Ma Han with his elbow, "Why is there such a big contrast between your personality and that girl?"

Ma Han looked up at the sky and go out to help Ma Xin carry the luggage.

"New equipment?" Zhan Zhao curiously followed behind Da Ding and Xiao Ding who was carrying the machine inside.

"Xin Xin, it's so heavy, how did you move here alone?" Bai Chi also asked Ma Xin curiously, "Have you eaten spinach?"

"Go." Ma Xin was proud, "I met a handsome guy on the way to help me carry the box."

"What handsome guy?" Ma Han and Luo Tian asked in unison.

Ma Han frowned, "Didn't you meet some strange person?"

"That's not it, a punk guy who plays music. He is super handsome and funny. He has a cello on his back." Ma Xin sat down at the table, took a sandwich and ate it, looking at Zhao Jue curiously.

Zhao Jue also smiled and looked at Ma Xin, and smeared mayonnaise on her toast, "Hey, Xin Xin, eat this."

"Thank you." Ma Xin took it with a smile.

Zhan Zhao held his chin and watched, thinking that this girl is not afraid of poison.

"Cat." Bai Yutang tugged at him, "Let's go, I'm going to be late."

Zhan Zhao stood up depressed and went to school with Bai Yutang, taking Bai Chi with him.

Yesterday's accident and the attack of the police car did not attract much attention from the students. Instead, today the school was full of lights, as if it was celebrating a festival.

"What's the situation?" Zhan Zhao was puzzled.

"Hi, buddy!" Someone called.

Zhan Zhao and the others were taken aback for a moment... Bro? Looking back, They saw that it was Zhou Yi with a bandaged arm, who ran behind them at some point. He was quite excited and stepped forward to pat Bai Yutang on the shoulder, "Chen Xi said that you were fortunate enough to save my life yesterday, and where is that cool shooting teacher?"

"There are so many people in the school, what are they doing?" Bai Yutang asked without answering.

"School celebration!" Chen Xi walked over, with Liu Meng and Chen Lu behind her.

"Hi." Chen Xi patted Bai Yutang, "Did something happen yesterday? Did you go to the police station later?"

Bai Yutang shrugged, "I don't know."

"But you came to rescue us again yesterday." Liu Meng said.

"I only came in when I heard the sound of gunfire." Bai Yutang asked Zhou Yi, "How is your injury?"

"Small things." Zhou Yi grinned and asked Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang, "You two just transferred schools, you don't know the traditions of school celebrations?"

Zhan Zhao and the others looked at each other in dismay and shook their heads - what is the tradition?

"Every year, students have to prepare some activities during the school celebration, and then according to their performance, the students will give them a score, and by the way, the best boys and girls of the year will be awarded. There are prizes and credits." Chen Xi raised the corner of his mouth, "You three don't have to ask, Definitely not ready for the show."

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