Toothless Murderer - Toothless Recipe 04

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Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang walked into the SCI office, were stunned for a moment, and subconsciously exited the door, looked at the door plate - that's right, it was the SCI office.

But now the office is full of computers, and there are several rows of people they have never seen before, both men and women, and most of them have one characteristic - not like the police! A house-like atmosphere rushed over.

At this time, Jiang Ping led all the technicians in the computer department of the police station to be busy.

Lu Fang frowned and kept answering the phone, and the answer was only one sentence, "Sorry, they won't go! Don't participate in activities! Don't shoot TV! Don't do interviews! No..."


Looking at the other SCI police officers, they were all squeezed into the corridor. Bao Zheng stood at the gate with a dark face, almost darker than Shi Mo.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other, and asked, "The video hasn't been deleted yet?"

Bao Zheng handed over the tablet computer in his hand to the two.

Bai Yutang leaned over to take a look, and saw that it was the video of him beating the two attackers just now. The title of the video was - SCI captain killed two killers in seconds.

Zhan Zhao blinked and looked at Bai Yutang.

Bai Yutang frowned. There were quite a few people upstairs taking pictures with their mobile phones just now, but they wouldn't be so idle that they would post them online, right?

"This video is not comparable to the one just now." Jiang Ping was very helpless. "It was taken by netizens from various angles, and the amount of retweeting is even more amazing than the reasoning one just now. I don't need to sleep for tonight."

Zhan Zhao looked at the comments related to the video curiously, and some of them were quite interesting, "Look, Xiao Bai, Internet language has broken through the constraints of pictograms and onomatopoeia, and is developing in the direction of both sound and form!"

With that said, Zhan Zhao read to Bai Yutang...

"Kneel! Is this a movie special effect?"

"Mom, he can fly!"

"I'm going, I'm going to lose my mind in an instant!"

"Is SCI still recruiting? Captain Bai, please mess with me!"

"Please form a group! Please give us a visit!"


Bai Yutang was baffled by what he heard, and Zhan Zhao thumped the table while reading, saying that this passage was enough to keep him laughing for half a year.

This video is more intuitive than Zhan Zhao's video just now, and it doesn't require much patience or brains to understand and analyze. It has a direct visual impact and an astonishing amount of forwarding.

It didn't take long for SCI to become a hot word in Internet searches.

On the other hand, Lu Fang's good temper is also unreasonable.

"This is the police station! Police station!"

"They are the police! The police!"

"SCI is for investigations! It's for investigations!"


At the door, Zhao Hu and Ma Han walked in with two large packages of takeaway, and watched in horror that Lu Fang, who had always been self-restraint, was out of control.

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