The Murderer Who Returns from Hell - Remnants 07

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Bai Yutang led everyone back to the police station. As soon as he entered... he felt that the atmosphere was a little tense.

I saw a lot of people running around, not knowing what happened.

Xu Lie followed behind, "Oh, this police station is busy enough, isn't the law and order really bad recently?"

Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao were a little confused, but they didn't bother to worry about it, so they went upstairs first.

It's just that as soon as the elevator door in front of the SCI office opened, a man in a white chemical protective suit swayed past.

"Wow!" The hanger outside the building was startled, "What's going on?"

When Bai Yutang came out, he saw Ma Xin, wearing a white chemical protective suit and a plastic mask, which was quite exaggerated.

"Captain." At this time, Luo Tian came out from the SCI office and said to Bai Yutang, "Gongsun Cha said that the blood that Lao Wang sent just now has radiation reactions in it."

"Huh?!" Everyone was shocked.

Lou Waijia and Xu Lie silently retreated into the elevator.

"It's only a small amount, and it has no effect on people at all." Gongsun walked out from the forensic doctor.

Everyone looked at Ma Xin again.

Gongsun smiled and said, "She didn't want to have fun wearing it, she just took two photos as a souvenir."

Zhao Hu patted his chest, and Ma Han also sighed. Zhao Hu said a famous saying before - Ma Xin's girl was originally a young girl, since she was eating with Gongsun, she ran all the way on the road leading to perversion, and she ran happily. Once she gets married, she becomes even more unscrupulous.

Bai Yutang walked into the office and asked, "What are those people downstairs doing?"

"Baoju issued an arrest warrant." Bai Chi ran out and said, "This time there is some trouble."

"What trouble?" Bai Yutang got dizzy when he heard the trouble.

"Xu Lie was arrested by the police once before, so there are paparazzi ambushing near his building." Jiang Ping called up the video and reported to Bai Yutang and the others, "I don't know why those reporters are so powerful, they took several videos, and then The surveillance video of the building was also copied and removed, that is, the section where the mummy opened the door of Xu Lie's room, and the spooky incident caused an uproar."

As soon as Zhan Zhao heard this, he immediately found a computer to open the webpage.

Bai Yutang leaned over curiously, "Cat, what are you looking at?"

"Watch the video." Zhan Zhao said.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Sure enough, several videos were all online.

It's just that when the video is playing, the rows of subtitles in front of it are brushed over...

"What is this?" Bai Yutang was puzzled.

"Captain, how outdated are you?" Jiang Ping said helplessly, "That's called barrage!"

Bai Yutang finally understood that Zhan Zhao had been watching videos with his mobile phone these few days when he had nothing to do, and had a look at what happened all day.

Bai Chi leaned over and read while reading.

"Damn! SCI can run into anything!"

"White Team!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

S.C.I.谜案集第四集 S.C.I Book 4 aka Season 4Where stories live. Discover now