Ghost Ship Murderer - The Bearer of the Heart 02

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Two hours later, Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang arrived at Lin Ruo's residence with Bao Zheng. Since it was not an official investigation, there were not many people accompanying him. They just checked the situation first.

Lin Ruo didn't live in an apartment or a villa, but in an old castle.

Zhan Zhao got out of the car and looked at this English-style manor built on the outskirts of S city. He was amazed, "S city actually has such a building?"

"It's been a while." Bao Zheng greeted an old man who looked like a housekeeper and walked in with the two of them.

Bai Yutang looked at the sophisticated security equipment and professional security personnel everywhere, and raised an eyebrow at Zhan Zhao - asking the police for help is a bit redundant, right?

Zhan Zhao doubted Lin Ruo's taste. With this kind of personality, would he be a good friend with Bai Jintang?

"This is not Lin Ruo's residence." Bao Zheng seemed to see what the two were thinking, and turned to tell them, "It's his ancestral home. Because of this case, he was forcibly brought home by his parents to ensure his safety."

"The young master lives in an apartment in the city. He doesn't like living with the servant and security guard. The master was worried about his safety, so he brought him back." The housekeeper was polite.

Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao looked at each other - no wonder Bao Ju wants to say that his family background is prominent.

Walking into the living room, they saw a man in his fifties walking over, wearing glasses and looking quite gentle.

He and Bao Zheng seemed to have known each other for a long time, and they exchanged a few words. When Bao Zheng introduced Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang, he said that they were children of Qitian and Yunwen's family.

This person introduced himself, Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang knew that his name was Lin Qianci and he was Lin Ruo's father.

When Zhan Zhao heard the name, he thought it was quite special, so he searched the huge memory bank in his brain, and he found the identity of this person - a very successful boat merchant, with a a lot of wealth, if he's not mistaken, his wife, in other words, Lin Ruo's mother, was the president of a certain university and came from a prestigious family. The grandfather's generation opened a hospital, and all of them were talents. The ancestors seemed to be some high-ranking officials in the Qing Dynasty. Sure enough, it was an aristocratic family.

Zhan Zhao had the family tree in his head, while Bai Yutang looked around and found that the security was quite tight and he seemed to take it seriously.

"Go and ask Cheng Ji to come down." After Lin Qianci sat down, he instructed the housekeeper.

Zhan Zhao glanced at Bai Yutang - isn't it Lin Ruo? Where did Chen Ji come from?

The corners of Bai Yutang's mouth moved slightly—it is estimated that big families have names and characters in addition to their names.

Zhan Zhao's brows moved slightly—no...

Bai Yutang's expression relaxed - who knows.

"Cough, cough." Bao Zheng coughed lightly, preventing the two from looking at each other's seemingly expressionless eyes and eyebrows.

"I haven't seen Yunwen and Qitian for a while." Lin Qianci reached out and peeled the oranges for Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang, looking very kind.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang are not used to it, they always feel that it is not like work. It likes visiting elders, awkward...

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