Chapter 13

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When Jack had calmed down, exhaustion had overwhelmed him. The deep sorrow of his mother's loss, the knowledge of Verona soon dying and the warm comfort of his mate arms was enough to set Jack to a deep but restless slumber.

Kaiden sighed, scratching at the back of his head while he stared down at his lover with a troubled expression. Yes, death was an inescapable part of life yet somehow the wolf wanted to shelter his mate from the harsh truth of the world.

He sighed deeply, letting his hand drop down as Kaiden tucked his mate in and gently kissed his forehead and nose, smiling as Jack's lips curled up pleasantly before Kaiden stood up.

"He'll be fine Kaiden. Your mate is strong." Verona spoke from her position at the door, wrapping her arms around herself with a tired expression. Kaiden nodded, a sense of pride swelling inside his chest. "I know."

Following the witch out of their room, Kaiden closed the door, leaving it on a crack so he could still watch his mate as he slept. His wolf was on edge by the reminder of Verona's death fast approaching but they both knew there was nothing they could do about it.

But what was the pack going to do? Jack had stirred a sensitive point; the wolves were heavily relying on Verona and her powers, even if they weren't aware of it all the time. her healing powers, her uncanny ability to sense it when one of the males was going to give birth, the veil that shrouded their territory so no human could find them....

A hand landed on his shoulder, forcing Kaiden to look up in Verona's face. Her aging face. The truth was right in every wrinkle that slowly appeared on her face; she had looked thirty a few months ago but now she was starting to look older. Kaiden realized that time was creeping up on Verona, her body slowly catching up to her true age.

"How long do you think you...have?" Kaiden asked respectfully, swallowing against the emotions threatening to settle in his throat.

Verona grabbed a hold of his arm, tapping it gently so Kaiden could help escort her to her seat. When she settled down with a sigh, Kaiden patiently waiting beside her, she begrudgingly closed her eyes, not wanting to see another member of her family in pain because of her.

"Less than a month."

It felt like someone had punched Kaiden right in the gut, eyes watering as he stumbled back before grabbing hold of the couch. A meager month to say goodbye to one of his best friends, a friend he knew since he was a pup?

Cracking her eye open, Verona scoffed and gestured at Kaiden as if to wave his concerns away. "Don't look so down, pup. If everything goes according to play, you'll have a new Crone before I pass away."

That got his attention, as well as Rowan's as the wolf passed by. The burly man stepped into the room, crossing his arms as he stared down at Verona with a prying look. "Quit the riddles, Verona. We know you're one of very few Crones that are alive."

Verona scoffed, both eyes opening to stare at Rowan, amusement and mock hurt shimmering in her eyes. "In my world, being a Crone means that you have survived most if not all of the Witch trials. It isn't even based on one gender; A Crone can both be male or female, providing they have passed the trials and have come into power. I know I'm a old hag to any standards but assuming I'm a Crone just because I'm a little on age is quite disrespectful pup."

Rowan flushed under her scolding tone, managing to look sheepish while Kaiden looked on with amusement. Both of them nearly jumped out of their skins when another voice spoke up behind them.

"How many witches are there?"

Kaiden turned, his heart still thudding violently in his chest as his mate flashed him a guilty yet mischievous smile. Arching an eyebrow, Kaiden tugged Jack against his chest and tenderly kissed the boy before turning to Verona as she cleared her throat.

"Very few witches, even less than the werewolves. You have to understand Jack, a werewolf can hide in plain sight, never arousing suspicion when they mingle with humans. But we witches have it harder. Tell me, how did you feel when you first met me?"

Jack frowned thoughtfully, lips pursing as he recalled the first time he spotted Verona. Above the fear of being chased by two wolves and face planting after being tackled by one of said wolves, he remembered the fact that he knew Verona was a witch the moment he spotted her.

How? Jack didn't know but there was this...aura around the woman. "I can't explain it but...I just knew. I looked at you and you could just feel it in the air, like-" Jack paused, trying to find a way to explain it but came up short.

Verona smiled, tugging at her hair. Hair, Jack noticed, that had gotten a bit lighter since he met her. Grayer. His heart skipped a beat before he noticed Verona's comforting smile. "It was your human instincts, letting you know I am anything but human." She explained before Jack arched an eyebrow and glanced at the wolves behind him.

"But I don't get that with-"

Verona chuckled and shook her head. "No, of course not. How to explain this in a way you can understand..." She hummed, smiling warmly and thanking one of Rowan's sons when he handed her a cup of thee. Jack's eyes widened when the spoon automatically stirred the cup, without Verona's touch.

"Verona..." Rowan chastised gently, smirking as Verona scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Spoilsport." Jack smiled at the pouting woman, silently urging her to continue. "Well, a werewolf can't be sensed because of their wolves. Tell me Jack, have you ever seen a real wolf?"

Jack shook his head; all the years he had cared for his mom and himself and spent time on the woods, he'd never seen a wolf, at least not up close. He had seen a bushy tail disappear in the distance or heard the wolf-song but that was it.

Verona nodded, as if expecting the answer. "That's because wolves are very wary. Its better to notice than be noticed out there and that is exactly what all wolves do, even werewolves. We witches however..."

Rowan scoffed and sat down, making Jack realize that somewhere along the conversation, Kaiden had guided them both to the couch and tugged the boy in his lap. With a bright smile at his mate, Jack turned back and asked, "What is different between you guys...besides the whole wolf thingy?"

Verona suddenly grew serious, her cup hovering at her lips for a moment longer before she took a tentative sip and set it down. "Humans know as soon as we get into power, Jack. A witch's ascension is a violent outburst of said witch's unique signature power. It will always draw attention, attention we don't need."

Jack didn't need to hear more. he could vividly imagine a young witch or warlock feeling a burst of energy, waking up to be swarmed by angry, superstitious villagers until they ended up on the pyre.

He shivered, trying to repress the memories of the foul stench of the pyre in his former village before nodding once, showing he understood. Verona smiled once more, a bit tiredly and with a meaningful look to the others, she bade them a goodnight and left, not before telling Kaiden to go with Rowan and Chris to the birthing pack.

It stunned the wolf and for a moment, he felt a little thrill as his wolf pushed forwards, eagerly sniffing and sensing if anything had changed within their mate. But the shake of Verona's head along with the disappointed whine informed him that Jack wasn't pregnant.

"Not yet..." His wolf corrected, making Kaiden look down at his mate and grin apologetically at the red flush on the boy's cheeks. His body was already betraying his state of mind but after taking one sniff of Jack's own arousal, Kaiden didn't think twice of standing up with his startled mate and hastily said his goodbyes before rushing to get to the comforts of their own home.

By the time they got home, Kaiden was already growling in Jack's neck, having the boy in stitches from the ticklish sensation against such a sensitive spot. His laughter quickly changed in lust and shyness as they made it to their room.

They might be leaving for the birthing pack tomorrow but Kaiden was going to make it one hell of a night for them both.

A.N; Yeah, I know. I'm the Queen of Tease xD This was more a filler chapter to give you information I thought was missing ;) The next couple of chapters will have more action in them ;)

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