Chapter 23

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The small sound that interrupted the otherwise quiet night roused Jack from his sleep. With his mind still struggling to wake up fully, he was already pushing himself up, staggering slightly before he smiled and picked up his fussy son.

Jayden kicked against his blanket, whimpering as he squinted his little eyes shut tight. Jack smiled and coed at his son, brushing his lips softly against the boy's forehead before cradling him close to his chest.

The sound of his heart usually settled Jayden down straight away but this time he remained fussy, whimpering and making complaintive sounds while moving restlessly. Kaiden blinked awake after a moment, shaking his head to get rid of the sleep.

"Something wrong, little man?" He murmured before yawning, pausing when Jayden only intensified his whines and whimpers. "Is it his diaper?" Kaiden asked while pushing himself up, reaching to feel at Jayden's diaper only to feel dry fabric.

His brows furrowed as he sniffed the air, trying to perhaps detect a change in Jayden's scent. If the boy got sick, Kaiden would know, as he could smell the change. Still, his son smelled just like them; Jayden's own unique smell masked under the perfect mix of Jack and Kaiden's scent.

"It could be stomach cramps." Jack murmured, blinking back tears as Jayden started crying. He always felt so helpless when Jayden cried and he couldn't stop it. He rocked the baby back and forth, pushing himself out of the bed to move around.

All the while Jayden let out heartbreaking wails, turning red-faced as both his parents tried everything they could think of to calm him down. They took turns walking Jayden and rocking him soothingly, they even attempted to lay Jayden back down and rub his belly in the hopes that it would help.

"Oh love," Kaiden's heart broke as he saw the streak of moisture trailing down Jack's cheeks. He held his hand out to his mate, cradling their son in his left arm before hugging Jack closer. "Come here. He'll be just fine, okay?"

Jack nodded while blinking through his tears, fingers whispering over Jayden's chubby cheek. "I know it will be, it's just... I- I feel so helpless and useless." Kaiden pressed a kiss against Jack's temple before sighing, knowing exactly how his mate felt.

Other parents had already warned him that Jayden might cry, simply because well, he's a baby. "Babies cry for a whole lot of reasons Jack. Just because we can't figure out why he's crying doesn't mean we need to panic. Jayden's not making a fever and its too early for him to start teething so we'll have to wait it out."

Jack nodded and kissed Kaiden before turning back to their wailing infant. All of a sudden Jayden took a few hiccupping breaths before he sighed and calmed down. His chest would jolt with a hiccup every other time he took a breath but that was to be expected.

Jayden was still red-faced but quieted down as the pair looked down at their son. Neither of them knew what exactly caused Jayden's breakdown and somehow, they felt it wasn't just a normal baby thing.

"If only Verona was still here... we could've asked her if she had any idea of what just happened." Jack murmured softly, keeping his voice low so not to disturb Jayden's slumber. His chubby cheeks still gleamed from his tears, little eyes swollen as a hiccup disturbed his breathing every so often.

Kaiden could only silently agree. Whatever that outburst just was, he knew it wasn't normal. He pressed a gentle kiss against his son's forehead, feeling the tight feeling in his chest disappear when Jayden offered him a sleepy smile.

Looking up at his mate, he grinned, realizing Jack was barely keeping himself awake. "Go to sleep love. Tomorrow we'll have to introduce Jayden to the pack; its going to be a long, busy day." Jack smiled sleepily, pressing his lips lightly against Kaiden's before snuggling against the wolf.

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