Chapter 18

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Having the flu was the worst thing ever.

Jack was huddled underneath his blankets, shivering one minute only to groan and kick the blankets off his heated body in the next. He sniffed and groaned, realizing he couldn't breathe through his nose and instead had to breathe through his mouth.

Licking his lips, Jack eyed the cup of water next to the bed longingly but feared to drink from it. He'd been sick all night, having to run to the bathroom every few moments and waking up Kaiden in the process until eventually, Kaiden simply brought a bucket to the bed and emptied it every time.

Currently, his wolf was gently rubbing his sore stomach and chest. Jack leaned into the touch with a sigh, swallowing only to wince when his throat burned in reminder of the bile that past not too long ago.

"I don't think this is because something you ate, Jack." Kaiden murmured softly while placing the back of his hand gently against Jack's cheek and forehead, frowning to himself before uncovering him a bit more.

Jack didn't respond, only groaned a bit and curled up even more as he felt his stomach churn uncomfortably, a silent warning that it hadn't settled yet and would most likely lash out in the next few minutes.

Kaiden's expression was pained as he looked down at Jack before pushing off the bed. It only took him a few seconds to crack open one of the windows to allow some fresh air to wave into the room.

It helped, if only a bit. The cool air rushing over his face made Jack feel a bit better and he smiled thankfully at his worried mate. He could see Kaiden's inner turmoil, the need to stay and provide for his mate while at the same time wanting to go out and find something that would help Jack feel better.

"I'll be fine..." Jack breathed, weakly waving his hand before curling deeper in the covers to muffle his cough. "Just go." Kaiden's eyes burned before he nodded, leaning over to press a gentle kiss against Jack's forehead.

"I'll be right back, try and catch some sleep." He murmured, fur already sprouting as he rushed for the door. As the door was shoved open, surprised voices sounded and Jack blinked tiredly, pushing himself up a bit to see the Alpha pair making way for Kaiden before looking in the room.

"Aw, no wonder he sped out so fast." Kara spoke as she entered the house, instantly making her way to the bed to dip the towel in some cool water and dabbed Jack's forehead with it. "How are you feeling, sweetie?"

"Its just a flu...I'll be fine." Jack mumbled, shivering as the cool water slid down his tempels and into his hair. Kara nodded while fussing with the blankets, moving around to clean the room a bit and pushing Jack back in the bed when he tried to sit up and help her.

Brandon closed the door behind him, eyes roaming through their house and giving Jack a reassuring smile and nod. "We'll wait and take care of you until Kaiden comes back."

Jack was too tired and sick to argue with the silent command in Brandon's voice. he knew just as well as the Alphas that he was too sick to be doing anything but rest, so that's exactly what he did.

He could hear Brandon moving around in the kitchen, pots scraping over the furnace as the fire was build up. A gentle fragrance started to fill the room and initially, Jack feared he'd throw up as soon as he smelled it but relaxed when nothing happened.

Kara looked over her shoulder before understanding filled her gaze and she went back to fussing over Jack. It wasn't long until Brandon entered the room again with a steaming cup of what appeared to be tea.

Jack blinked as Kara gently tilted his head, brushing through his greasy hair as she accepted the cup and blew its contents, silently urging Jack to try and drink. He eyed the red liquid and sniffed it, surprised that it smelled sweet yet bitter at the same time.

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