Chapter 17

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Winter was soon settling into the land and this time Jack absolutely loved it. Before he had hated the season with a passion, as his red cape made him stick out like a sore thumb.

But lately, he had started to grow on the red fabric. All due to the love of his life and mate Kaiden, who seemed absolutely smitten with the boy whenever he was dressed in his dark leather pants and the red cape flowing in the wind.

In fact, there had been several occasions where Jack had been ravished by his wolf, last night being one of them. He flushed brightly as he could still remember his shock as Kaiden had laid him down near the lake, spread out over his own cloak before his wolf had made sure he was feeling encredibly hot and sated.

He rubbed over his stomach, feeling the flat muscles twitch underneath and wondered how it would feel to have a young one inside. To actually feel it move around in his stomach as it grew. He tried to imagine how it would be, to be pregnant with Kaiden's pup.

At times he had observed the pups in the pack, how caring and loving the parents were and he had felt a deep longing. Jack couldn't help it, but he missed his mother badly. What would she'd think of Kaiden?

Would she approve their relationship? And if she had, would she come over to live with the pack or would she have remained in the village? Jack shook his head at that, already knowing the answer. His mother hated the village as much as he did.

She had been free spirited and headstrong, a rare combination for a female in their time. Most women he knew were meek, nodding their heads at their husbands as soon as they roared and served their every whim.

Jack had been witness of men beating around their wives, calling it their right and their way of teaching their spouses of how to behave in certain company. Suffice it to say, Jack was absolutely disgusted with such behavior.

Yet here in the pack, they were equals. Jack had seen both men and women staying at home, women going to hunt, forage or chop wood while the men stayed home to nurture the children. He doubted that most of the men in the human village knew how to change a diaper.

They were only there to boast about their offspring, suppress their wives and to create more offspring, with their wives or not.

Arms wrapped around his waist, causing Jack to jump slightly as he was scared out of his thought process. The calming scent and familiar warmth of his wolf instantly calmed him down and he relaxed, sighing as Kaiden rested his chin on the top of his head.

"Good morning love." Kaiden murmured in his ear before placing a gentle kiss against his temple, pulling Jack just a tad bit closer against his body. The wolf yawned, stretching slightly before he licked his lips and looked out the window that Jack had been staring at.

"Still snowing I see. I'll need to make sure there isn't too much build up on the roof."  He yawned again and Jack shivered at the thought of going outside. He had heard the wind howl during the night and hadn't slept as well as he used to.

And his wolf knew it, judging from the eyes he felt burning on his cheeks and the dark patches underneath his own eyes. Jack couldn't help it though; the past few years he had been forced to keep watch, always afraid one of the villagers would sneak in his home in the middle of the night.

Waking up at the slightest sound was a hard habit to break.

Kaiden gave his hips a reassuring squeeze before the wolf stepped back, checking the basket of firewood before huffing slightly as he realized he'd have to venture to their stash outside to get the stove burning if he wanted to prepare them a warm breakfast.

Lucky for Kaiden, wolves had a much higher body temperature and thus he could easily go outside without being duffle in as thickly as Jack would. He still remembered last night's walk, where Jack had been barely visible in all the layers he had worn to not feel the cold.

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