Something wrong, my dear?

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||Short A/N-||

Thank you guys for the votes and reads, it really means a lot. 

Also i'm sorry its been taking me a while for each chapter but i'll try and get each one out as soon as possible

I hope you all have a lovely day/night, OKAY back to the chapter!


You and alastor had finished your drinks and you had finished you food, you and him got up and were ready to leave

"One moment my dear, i have to use the restroom. I'll be right back." he said as you nodded and sat back down in your chair. He walked away and into the back of the shop where the bathroom was.

As he walked into the restroom, another customer walked in. He was giving you a stare for some odd reason, he walked by you and slid a piece of paper on your table. After he did he walked past you and up to the counter and ordered something, you picked up the paper and read what was on it.

It was number?

'What is that guy thinking?' you thought as he finished ordering what he wanted and walked over to you. You had a weird look on your face as you held the paper

"So, i see that you read it?" he asked

"Yes, i did. Uh i won't be needing this though, i umm appreciate it?" you said, you really just wanted this guy to leave.

But he didn't, sadly, he stayed

"Oh? why not?" he asked

"I-i uh im not interested." you said, honestly you were starting to feel uncomfortable because he began to pull his chair closer to you.

"Well, i am." he said with a smirk, okay this is getting weird please get away from me.

You stood and backed up a bit, as you chuckled nervously.

"Yeahh, no thank you. Like i said i'm not interested whatsoever and plus i'm already dating someone." you said, uncomfortably.

"Come on, whoever it is can't be that special." he said, standing up and pinning you against the wall.

"I can show you a good time~" he whispered into your ear

'Ew, what the fuck'

As he did someone walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder 

"Didn't she just say she wasn't interested?" the staticy voice said as the man turned around, only to be met face to face with Alastor.

"I'll give you exactly 5 seconds to get out before i kill you." Alastor said with a smile as the man walked away slowly before running out of the shop.  

Damn he didn't even get his order that he paid for

You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose and walked closer to Alastor

"Are you alright, my dear? He didn't do anything to you did he?" he asked, holding your hand

"No, he didnt. Thank you." you said

"Some people just dont take no for an answer, hm?" he asked as he began walking, you followed closely

"I guess not" You said as you and him walked out of the shop.

You and him were walking on the sidewalk until you saw another demon eating what seemed to be a now dead imp in an alleyway. 

The imps horns were severely damaged, one even torn off. There were chunks of the imp that were scattered and even some lying on the edge of the sidewalk, as you even saw what seemed to be a piece of their tail by your foot. Alastor suggested that you and him should keep walking and to not pay any mind to it but you couldn't help but stare.

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