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Driysa Stark was one of many heroes who gave their lives to ensure an end to the long night and the survival of the human race

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Driysa Stark was one of many heroes who gave their lives to ensure an end to the long night and the survival of the human race. Sansa Stark had made moves to get her body buried in the crypts with the rest of the Stark family, where she belonged. Bran Stark, the boy who loved her most and knew her best, rejected the idea. Instead, Bran began building a small shack just outside the walls of Winterfell like he had planned with Driysa. There, in the fresh air and endless fields, Driysa was buried with a small ceremony.

Bran Stark never married. He had received enough love to last multiple lifetimes, after all. Instead, he focused his attention on the North and the true North. Adopting many young free folk children who lost their families in the Long Night, he raised them in Driysa Starks honour. There, they were raised by the Starks, being trained to fight by Arya Stark, trained in strategies by Sansa Stark and trained in honour and loyalty by Jon Snow. He began to ride once more, living his life for Driysa. For the love of his life. The door to the shack always remained slightly ajar with a torch on at night in the hopes that Driysa would somehow return to him and she could easily find her way home.

Bran Stark grew to old age without the love of his life.

It was a regular morning when Bran found himself surrounded by family on his deathbed. His children had their own children, and all were devastated to see him go. Bran, however, died with a smile on his face.

"I'm coming, Driysa," Were his final words.

Bran Stark opened his eyes, finding himself in his childhood bed in Winterfell. Pulling off his sheets, he confusedly got to his feet as his eyes took in his bedroom. It looked exactly like it had when he was a young boy, as though no battles had ever taken place in its walls. Stepping out of his bedroom, he found himself in the training yard where he once practised shooting arrows.

He circled himself, trying to make sense of what was happening around him. None of it seemed to be real. Catching a glance of himself in a puddle, he noticed he looked the same as he had done when he was with Driysa. It was as though he were using his greensight.

"There you are,"

His heart froze as the familiar voice overtook him. Turning around, he felt his breath be pulled away from him as he saw the love of his life standing just away from him. She looked nothing like she had when they last saw each other. She wasn't bloody; she wasn't fragile, she wasn't dead. In fact, Bran had never seen her look so alive. Her skin glowed healthily, and her eyes were full of life, as though she'd never had to spend her life fighting and surviving.

"Driysa..." Bran's voice was hoarse as he stared at her.

"Your family is as sweet as you told me," Driysa smiled, taking a step towards him, "They've looked after me while I waited for you,"

Bran was running towards Driysa before he even realised it. Swooping her into his arms, the breath was knocked out of the both of them with the force at which Bran collided with Driysa. He held onto her tightly, tears escaping from his eyes as he again gets to feel the warmth of her body. He could feel Driysa's smile in their kiss as she brought her hands up to wipe away his tears.

"Please," Bran pulled away from Driysa but refused to let go, "Please, don't tell me this isn't real. You won't leave again, will you?"

"Of course it's real," Driysa said softly, caressing his face, "And I'm not going anywhere. I'm here until the end,"

Authors note:

Thank you guys so much for keeping with this fic, and I hope you've enjoyed it! Also, I have another Game of Thrones fic that's coming out now that this is finished! Let me know whether you want Driysa to appear in that fic or not. She'll have a very different ending in that fic as it doesn't follow the season eight episodes but a rewritten one

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