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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞, 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵

Driysa could feel the heaviness under her eyes, a constant threat that her body might just give up on her and collapse to the floor to sleep until winter came

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Driysa could feel the heaviness under her eyes, a constant threat that her body might just give up on her and collapse to the floor to sleep until winter came. It wasn't a thought she hated, in fact, she wanted nothing more than to sleep away all her worries, but every time she tried she could never make it past an hour. She envied those like Bran and Hodor, who seemed to be able to fall into a deep sleep amidst the calls of wolves and the chill of the North. She was used to being able to trust the strength of the blackened wood that kept her home sturdy and her eldest brother's watchful gaze to allow her to sleep. Now there was no one to protect her in such an open area, it was her watchful gaze that would have to keep them safe.

Driysa sat up, not having enough patience to keep trying to fall asleep. She tried to move as softly as possible, trying her best not to wake Meera who was sleeping beside her. Wandering over to the shambles that was once their firepit. She grabbed a stick and a slightly too big piece of chopped wood that sat beside the smouldering embers. She tossed the wood in, poking around until the embers soared to flames.

"You're an early riser," Jojen commented, placing himself beside her.

"You need to have slept to be an early riser," Driysa smiled, placing her hands in front of the flames.

"Still don't trust us?" Jojen whispered, conscious of the group sleeping so close.

Driysa got to her feet, wiping her hands on her pants, "It's not that,"

"But its a part of it," Jojen said, turning to watch her retrieve her spear.

"We're just so out in the open all the time," Driysa explained, casting her gaze towards the looming trees that surrounded them, trapping them, "Doesn't it scare you,"

"I know what I need to be scared of," Jojen replied, staring intently into the fire. A pregnant paused filled the woods, Driysa never having understood Southerners and their riddles. Finally, Jojen picked himself up, moving his gaze to her spear, "Where did you get that?"

Driysa spun the spear around, her father had always said it seemed to fit her perfectly, "It was my fathers, his great grandfather got it off some white-haired prince from the South, apparently he did some great favour for the man,"

Jojen moved closer to her, inspecting the spear for himself, "What was your great-great-grandfather doing south of the wall?"

Driysa shrugged, handing the spear over, "I was always told he was a bit eccentric, always saying there was something sacred south of the wall destined for him," Driysa let out a light laugh, "Guess it was this,"

Jojen remainder silent, the spear tilting in his hand. An unbalance weapon could often be as disastrous as no weapon, it was something she'd learnt while training with her eldest brother and father. She had been wielding a sword, the hilt almost as big as her forearm, and had toppled over as soon as the wind picked up. They laughed at her as she tried to get up, only to topple over once more as she refused to let go of the weapon.

Driysa let out a small sigh, she never would have guessed how much she would be missing her family only weeks after leaving them. Would she have ever left if she knew where she would have ended up, protecting a group of kneelers? It didn't matter much anymore, she had left her family and she could only hope they were still safe.

"Would you be able to teach me?" Jojen spoke up, noticing her drop in mood, "I was never inherently gifted at fighting, but it still interested me, the clash of metal echoing on metal,"

Driysa glanced over to him, a soft smile playing on her face as she watched him attempt to spin the spear as Driysa once did only for the weapon to clatter to the ground, its sound muted by the soft snow. She gave a nod, beckoning for the weapon to be returned to her.

✧✧✧ ✧✧✧

Driysa had followed the small path near their encampment to a body of water that was only beginning to freeze itself over, in the dawn light the surface was as smooth as glass. She could imagine running over it, her feet barely sending ripples through the calm waters.

"Do you know how to swim?" Jojen asked, searching for a stick sturdy enough to act as a sword.

Driysa laughed, dipping her finger into the water, the clear water was icy even in the shallows, "You swim here and you'll become one of those statues you people like so much, I just like to watch. There's a stream near my house,"

Driysa stayed knelt beside the water, twirling her finger in the water, as Jojen continued to search for two strong sticks. Her knees felt stuck to the thin layer of ice on the ground, encouraging her to stay beside the water forever. It was more peaceful here.

"Found two," Jojen said, his voice never seemed to raise too many octaves, it was surprisingly comforting.

"Perfect," Driysa smiled, hauling herself to her feet, "Now don't tell Meera I'm doing this,"

Jojen tried to position himself for a strike, a small teasing smile on his lips "Are you scared of her?"

Driysa hit his feet, "Separate them more, you need to be able to jump around,"

✧✧✧ ✧✧✧

✧✧✧                                                                                                                                                                               ✧✧✧

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Also, I feel like Jojen and Meera didn't get enough appreciation in the show, did anyone else feel like that?

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