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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫, 𝘈 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘮𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘩

The snow was falling heavier now, each snowflake pressing into her face like a sharp dagger being grazed against her

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The snow was falling heavier now, each snowflake pressing into her face like a sharp dagger being grazed against her. Although she was quite accustomed to the unforgiving cold of early mornings, the sting was always worse after sleepless nights. As they ventured further towards what Driysa could only describe as the end of the world there were even fewer safe places to stay for the night. Despite their attempts to set up camp and sleep, none of them could shake the eery feeling of being watched. Even Hodor had begun staying awake throughout the night with the rest of them, watching like a child as Driysa and Meera kept their weapons close and stared into the night. Driysa was not one to consider herself superstitious but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had begun to fall on her, a feeling she knew was shared by others in the group. 

"I don't like the look of this," Driysa mumbled, dragging her spear behind her. 

"It looks just like what we've been walking through for two days," Bran said, craning his neck up towards her. 

"Well then I don't like the feeling of this place," Driysa responded, glancing around uneasily, "It's not natural,"

Bran didn't respond to that, letting Driysa walk in silence as she let herself lag behind for a moment. She'd never been so far North, in all honesty, she didn't think the North continued this far. She'd had assumed it all just ended eventually, but it was becoming clear that while it didn't physically end she knew that if they continued much longer they would be greeted by desolate plains of ice and death. Perhaps, in that way, the world did end for nothing could live much further North than here. 

"We're here, we're here look," Bran whispered in disbelief, before raising his voice to the others, "Jojen! Look, Jojen, look"

Driysa caught up to Bran, the largest weirwood tree she'd ever seen came into view as she climbed to the top of the rocky hill. She'd never seen anything like it her lifetime, sure she'd never see anything like it ever again. It was almost supernatural in its own right, appearing to give life to everything around it. Even the surroundings seemed to notice the sheer allurement, the clouds lightening around it and letting the sun glimpse the tree for itself.

She kept close to Jojen, making sure he didn't topple over on the way to the tree, "I can't believe we actually made it,"

"Didn't think we would?" Jojen smiled, bumping into her slightly with his stick. 

"I wasn't sure if I'd make it to be honest," Driysa admitted, "I always assumed I was here to make sure you got here, it did seem like a bit of a death sentence for me,"

"You'll make it, Bran still needs you," Jojen said, turning serious, "Of that I'm sure,"

Driysa didn't like the way Jojen had said that, but she still offered a smile in thanks, hoping the sleep deprivation had just gotten to his head. Once they got into the cave near the tree, they could all sleep. She hoped she could talk to Jojen once he was more clear-headed. 

Driysa fell back as something erupted from under her feet, grabbing onto Jojen. Driysa quickly got back onto her feet, slicing at what seemed to resemble rotting hands only for two more to shoot up close to the first and reattach to Jojens ankles. 

"Jojen, hold on!" Meera screamed, rushing towards them and dragging Jojen towards her as bodies emerged from the snow. 

Driysa swung her spear, getting ready to decapitate the wight, when her body was toppled over, her spear escaping her grasp as her head collided with the snow. Turning her head, she looked into the sockets of another wight, bringing her arms up to her face as a bone collided with it. She tried scratching at its face only to be knocked sideways as it tried tearing at her skin. Her vision had distorted, only allowing her to see the wight on top of her. She bucked her hips, sending the wight forward. Quickly, she rushed to her feet, drawing her dagger, as she noticed a dozen wights emerge from the snow below. 

Bran yelled her name as she turned towards him, only to catch another wight midair. 

She heard a cracking noise and all she could taste was blood. She tried her best to dodge the hammer, groaning, she dove sideways as Summer rushed at it. Another wight ran straight at her, she grabbed the nearest sword and clashed against it. She swiped downwards, the two swords locking allowing her to thrust her dagger into the wights head. She spat out blood, allowing, even more, to swell in her mouth, her head ringing. She kept a wide stance, baring her teeth as four more wights emerged from the ground. 

As she prepared to be overtaken, she couldn't help but hear Jojen's words play in her head over and over again, 'Bran still needs you,', she wasn't sure if she was going to be able to keep fighting for much longer but she knew she had to keep going until all four of her friends were safe. She swayed slightly, trying to spot anyone else. She knew Meera could hold her own, but she was terrified for Jojen and Bran. If she could beat these wights back, she had to find them.

Flames suddenly descended on the wights advancing on her, barely missing Driysa as she staggered backwards. 

"Come with me, warrior," 

Driysa turned her head towards where the silvery voice came from, surprised to see it was seemingly coming directly from the tree. She saw a hazy body drag another away, Bran and Hodor. She began to stumble towards the tree when she heard a groan, turning she saw three wights rush her way. Her legs began to pound against the snow, striding towards the cave as the wights lagged behind her. She couldn't let herself be outrun by some rotting carcasses. 

She escaped into the cave, turning just in time to see a wight dive towards her. She raised her arms above her face as bones rained down on her. Slowly, she brought her arms down, seeing each wight explode as they tried to get in. She shuffled away in horror until her back hit the cave wall, her heart finally slowing down as she hugged her knees. Tears began to escape from her, the shock finally getting the best of her.  

"They cannot follow us. The power that moves them is powerless here," The same silvery voice spoke up. 

Driysa looked up to see a girl, hidden amongst the roots. Slowly, she crawled towards Meera hoping to see everyone had made it in. Her heart sunk as she noticed Jojen was the only one missing, her tears getting heavier. 

"-Come, he waits for you,"

Driysa staggered to her feet, her emotions seeming to drain away from her as she looked out at what had become their battleground. If she had been more aware of her surroundings, she was sure she could've saved Jojen. Instead, he had to die because of her foolishness. She wouldn't let that happen ever again.  

"Are you okay?" Driysa turned towards Bran. 

"I'm fine," Bran reassured, bringing his hand up to wipe away her tears, "You aren't,"

Bran moved his fingers towards Driysa's nose, the contact making her flinch. She brought her hand up to her face, feeling the now dried blood covering her nose and leaving stains down her mouth and chin.  

Driysa offered a soft smile, a promise that she was perfectly fine, allowing Meera to wrap her arm around her waist to support her weight. Driysa limped onwards, trying her best to keep up with the little girl with the help of Meera. Despite being saved by the little girl and the tree, she still didn't feel safe. She knew there was something wrong with the place, something wholly unnatural. In her state, however, there wasn't much she could do about it, especially if the wights were still waiting for her. 

They entered what appeared to be the centre of the cave, overgrown with ancient roots and bones of the deceased, and in the middle of it all was a man. A man who, by all accounts, most certainly should've been dead. Driysa let go of Meera, using one of the vertical roots to support her.  

"You're the three-eyed raven" 

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