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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗼, 𝘐𝘧 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳

There had been little words between Driysa and the group of kneelers she had agreed to follow to death's door, it made her wonder whether people normally spoke so easily with the people who held their life within their hands

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There had been little words between Driysa and the group of kneelers she had agreed to follow to death's door, it made her wonder whether people normally spoke so easily with the people who held their life within their hands. It was always an uncomfortable silence, as if each person knew Driysa didn't belong with them. Each person, that is, except the boy who first spoke to her. Jojen Reed had acted as the mediator between Driysa and the others, always holding that wise look in his eyes as if he knew what Driysa was going to do or say before it came tumbling out of her mouth.  

There was also the cripple, Bran. He was particularly weird. He always had the appearance that was he going to say something but always held his tongue, it often made her wonder what thoughts ran through his head. He didn't seem to be a particularly violent boy either, which made the lack of communication even more confusing, there seemed to be nothing for him to hide. She knew, however, there was no point in trying to understand any person that came from South of the Wall, they were all disconcerting. 

"I'm going out," Meera said, picking up her bow, "look after the others,"

Driysa's thoughts left her in a cloud of smoke as she hurried to get to her feet and gather her spear, "I'll come with you,"

Meera shot her a look, slowing her down, "I said look after the others, they need someone on the lookout just in case,"

Driysa let out a sigh, stabbing her spear into the snow below, "That's what I thought the huge wolves were for,"

Meera didn't seem to hear her, or at least chose not to, "Make sure Bran's okay,"

Driysa threw her head back, breathing out to watch the puff of smoke pierce the cold, before slowly turning her back towards Meera and allowing her to walk away. 

Bran was slouched against a tree, his eyes rolled back into his head. The sight always left a chill down her spine, there was something unnatural about it, it reminded her of the White Walkers and their magic. She was sure two things so common had to be related, somehow and someway she was sure Bran's magic and the White Walkers magic was related. It unsettled her even more.

Driysa sighed, sitting beside Bran. She could see Hodor and Jojen sleeping by the fire and Summer was nowhere to be seen, she was sure she could've been able to hear the sound of leaves rustling miles away. She hated silence, when there was a group of wildlings there was never complete silence yet with kneelers they seemed to live in it. She wondered if they had any fun at all South of the Wall. 

Bran rustled, breaking the silence. Driysa placed her hand on his shoulder, helping him to sit up fully. She'd never asked him what he did when he went into that trance, maybe now was a perfect time, "What happened?"

Bran clutched his head, his face contorting in pain before finally releasing his grip and looking up at the sky, "Nothing special, it never is anymore,"

Driysa gave a simple shrug, not knowing what 'it' even was, "At least it's consistent I guess,"

Bran wriggled, pulling himself fully up to sit against the tree, "I don't want consistency, I want answers,"

Driysa gave a yawn, "You'll get them eventually, as my dad says 'wait long enough and they'll be so bored that nothings happening that they'll give it up willingly,' it's all about waiting them out, they'll give up eventually and give you what you need to know,"

"How do you even know it is a 'they'," 

"I don't, I'm just guessing, 'The Three-eyed Raven' sounds more like a title than an actual Raven," Driysa replied, closing her eyes, "If there was a three-eyed Raven in the North we would've known about it by now,"

Silence set in once again, the sound of snoring attempting to lull Driysa to sleep. She let out another yawn, praying to any Gods that would bother to listen to let her sleep. 

"You haven't slept at all, have you?" Bran asked. 

Driysa shook her head, she had tried but she could never be peaceful enough to fall asleep. She had spent so many nights watching the forest around her while sharpening her spear that she was certain a single prod from it would cut deep into a persons' skin. 

"I always find reading helps me sleep," Bran suggested. 

The comment riled a laugh out of her, her head tipping back as she let out a chuckle, "I don't know how to read Bran, who does?"

"I could teach you if you wanted," Bran offered, not deterred, "Jojen brought two books with him, look into his bag,"

Driysa stared at Bran, waiting for him to also erupt into laughter but it appeared as though the boy was serious. Driysa shrugged, getting to her feet and making her way over to Jojen's small bag. Riffling through it she noticed them at the very bottom, looking completely untouched. She grabbed the smaller of the two and plopped back next to Bran. 

Bran grabbed it from her, smiling as he read what was etched on the front, "It's the story of Bran the Builder,"

"You have your own book?" Driysa asked, peering over at the book. 

"No," Bran laughed, "I was named after him,"


"I can read it to you for now," Bran said, patting his shoulder, "You should get some rest,"

Driysa paused, looking over at the still slumbering duo, before eventually relenting. Her head leaned on Bran's shoulder, closing her eyes as Bran began to speak. 


Yep. I think it's a cute chapter, sue me. 


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