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The next day...

I woke up well-rested and refreshed; there was no pain from a hangover at all. 

I couldn't help but feel amazed over the magic of the qianzui brew.

Suddenly a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted

It was the store clerk, he brought in breakfast for the day. 

Other than the promised light porridge and buns, there were two additional refreshing side dishes.

A thought brushed my mind. 

I asked the store clerk to sit down, then I refreshed myself before I sat down at the table too.

"Have you eaten? Do you want to eat some together?" I asked.

The store clerk waved in a hurry, "Please enjoy the meal, dear guest. This one has already eaten breakfast."

I grabbed a bun to take a bite out of it, then I demolished it in three bites. 

I had a spoonful of porridge next, then I asked as I ate, "Can I ask you something."

"Please go ahead, dear guest."

"Is there any place to earn money here? In the city?"

"Dear guest is looking for work?"

"Mm. I need to earn some money, about one liang of silver. Any place that pays quickly, it would be best if it pays by the end of the day. It's fine if it's the end of the month."

"Ohh, a job that pays at the end of the day... Allow this one to think for a moment."

The store clerk continued a moment later, "There is the bookstore at the city's south, it recruits scripters throughout the year. Those with good handwriting could earn eighty coins with every book..."

"That won't do, I'm illiterate."

"Oh, then... what about manual labour?"

"I probably can't take anything that's too heavy, but I can still carry 35 to 40 kg."

I had to carry thirty-five kilogram weights as I did various field training on the island; I had already trained some muscles.

"Dear guest appears thin, but was actually born with superhuman strength. Now this is easy, dear guest may just head to the city's north. There is a canal there that receives shipments every day. It recruits labour throughout the year, and one transferred sack is worth three coins. It pays at the end of the day, and there's free lunch." He said with amazement in his eyes.

"That's great, thank you!"

"It's no problem. If there is nothing else, this one shall leave then?"

"Wait, just one more thing. Is it fine to bathe here?"

"Sure, does the guest need hot water?"

"No no no, I mean that if I'm not staying here anymore, could I pay a fee to have a bath here? I'll leave right after the bath."

"Uhm... That has not been done in this humble inn before. There are two bathhouses on this street alone, and they're not expensive..."

"I don't really like going to those places. Could you discuss it with the manager? I can negotiate on the price."

"This one will go and ask for a moment, and then come back with an answer."


It went very successfully. 

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