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A house servant came to the west garden at the same time as yesterday.

A hale and hearty cultivator came along too.

Lisa opened the door, then she stepped aside for the two of them to come in.

Jake gave Lisa a courtesy, then he said, "Greetings to young master Manoban, this is great master Diana. The wedding date is approaching; we will be doing the second rite of the six rites today."

Lisa had heard of this name during Jennie's birthday banquet.

This person was the mysterious cultivator that declared that Jennie would meet her heaven-sent fate on her twentieth birthday.

Lisa thought that the 'great master' Eddard referred to was a sage-like old man, but she was actually a female cultivator.

While Lisa was studying Diana, she was also studying Lisa.

Diana couldn't help but make a curious hum.

Jake asked in a hurry, "Great master, did you see anything?"

Diana shook her head, but she kept staring at Lisa.

Her brows knitted sometimes, and she looked uncertain sometimes. She clearly had something to say.

Metaphysics have always been mysterious.

Lisa still had no idea what kind of force it had in this era, but judging from Jake's level of respect towards Diana, she could infer it somewhat.

Women had a very low status in this era. Diana could receive Eddard's respect and even get her name used as endorsement; that must be through her capability in metaphysics.

Once they were seated, Jake asked, "How old is young master Manoban this year, and when were you born?"

"I'm twenty-six now, and I was born on the twenty-seventh day of the third month."

"Where is your ancestral home? Who else do you have in your family?"

"My ancestral home... is in the northwest, I can't really say where it is exactly. Mm..."

Lisa speculated for a moment, then she made up an explanation, "I had been wandering since I was little, so I don't remember it anymore. I just remember that it was in the northwest."

"Then who do you have in your family?"

"My parents, an elder sister and a younger brother."

Through Otto's teachings, Lisa had learned to speak in a more traditional tone too.

"Though... none of them are in this world."

The earth and this kingdom were different worlds, so this answer would count as a play on words. Lisa thought.

Diana wrote down the information that Lisa had given onto a piece of red paper.

Once she landed the last stroke, she handed the red paper to Jake, "You may go first, this humble cultivator still has to say a few words with benefactor Manoban."

"Understood." Jake kept Lisa's information card.

He brought out an envelope from his chest, then he handed it to Lisa, "Young master, the name and eight numbers of the young lady are written here. Please review it. This one will come again tomorrow at the same time."

"I've got it, thank you."

Once Jake left the room, Lisa asked her, "What does the cultivator want to say?"

Diana mused for a moment, then she answered, "It has been sixty years since this humble cultivator entered the monastery, but I have never seen anything like benefactor Manoban's situation before."

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