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"Lisa..." Jennie called.

Though Lisa's gaze might look somewhat anxious, it definitely wasn't that kind of expression one would have after murdering someone.

"Nini, could it be that I injured that store clerk too badly yesterday, and he went to report to the authorities?"

Jennie walked around the desk to stand at Lisa's side, then she picked up her slightly cool hand as she said softly, "Neither of us know what the situation is at the government office yet. I can't go with you this time, but our finest lawyer, Sir Vincenzo. I will tell him to go to the government office and accompany you right away."

"Oh, okay." Lisa nodded.



"You have to have enough belief in yourself, do not ever admit to things that you didn't do. No matter what situation you face, you must stand firm on your ground. Do not ever say anything ambiguous either, and don't chat with anyone, especially not with those two who are taking you to the government office later. It is absolutely fine for you to not answer any of their questions, and there's no need to follow their conversations either. Did you get all of that?"

"Mm, I've got it."

"Let's go then, Damon and Stefan have impressive credentials, we shouldn't keep them waiting for long."


Jennie did not let go of Lisa's hand; she simply held her hand all the way to the main hall.

She had wanted to give Lisa a few more instructions on the way there, but she feared that Lisa was smart enough to realize the severity of this case, and then she would lose her composure.  

Although Lisa would learn about it eventually, Jennie still wanted to let Damon and Stefan see her innocent and confused expression. 

This would greatly help the development of the case.

Robert relied on these two officers for murder cases very much, and they did have a pair of sharp eyes indeed.

Even Jennie could tell from Lisa's expression and reaction that she had not committed murder before, so she believed that those two officers would definitely be able to tell too.



"When you beat that store clerk yesterday night, did Jackson see it?"

"He did see it at first, but I dragged that house servant into an alley after that. He stood watch at the alley's entrance, so he didn't see the full thing."

Jennie pressed her lips together, then she asked, "Did that store clerk say or do anything?"

Lisa answered without having to think, "He curled up on the ground the entire time, and he kept begging for mercy."

Jennie's eyes lit up, "Jackson heard him begging for mercy too?"


"Was he still begging when the two of you left?"

Lisa thought for a moment, then she nodded, "Yes, and he was pretty loud. He kept yelling the entire time."

Jennie let out a shallow breath; now she had a gauge in mind.

The main hall was right before them now, hence Jennie let go of Lisa's hand, "Remember what I had said earlier. If Sir Magistrate asks about the details of what happened, you can absolutely ask him to summon a witness."

"I've got it."

Lisa and Jennie entered the main hall.

Two middle-aged men dressed as officers stood there.

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