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Once the horse carriage came to a steady stop, Jake jumped down the carriage plank, then he respectfully invited, "My Lady, young master, we have arrived."  

Lisa pushed the carriage door open to jump down first.

Alison put down a foot assist in front of the horse carriage, then Lisa raised her hand, "Here."

Jennie smiled mildly as she rested her hand on Lisa's palm, then she stepped down the horse carriage.

Seeing this, Alison thought to herself: this person changed every day. He was clearly a terribly crude person just a few days ago, and then he appeared as if he was reborn entirely a few days later. Who knows which was the real him.  

However, Lisa had given Alison a much better impression now.

In an extremely patriarchal kingdom like this kingdom, there were practically no men who would do this for women.

At this moment, although Lisa did not seem as big and tall as that Victor in Alison's heart, she was not as filthy and unseemly anymore.

Lisa and Jennie walked shoulder to shoulder.

Looking up, Lisa realized that they were going through the back gate.

Lisa found that somewhat strange. 

As the legitimate daughter of House Stark's main family, when Jennie visits a branch family, even if a junior did not need to be welcomed by a senior, she should at least have the right to walk through the main gates.  

Lisa felt that she must figure out the key within this matter and learn about the rules and etiquette here while she was at it.

And so, she scooted a step closer towards Jennie's side.

Their shoulders bumped against each other, then Lisa asked in a quiet voice, "Wife, are we going through the back gates?"


"Why isn't there even someone here to welcome us?"

Jennie smiled as if she had trouble summarizing why, but it was unfortunately hidden behind her veil. 

Lisa did not see it.  

Jennie answered quietly, "I'll tell you about it in detail once we're back in the estate, but perhaps... you'll understand it soon."

Lisa nodded without saying anything more.

This estate had actually assigned just one servant girl to lead the way. 

The two of them walked through the back courtyard and winding corridor.

This place was called the Stark estate too, but it could hardly compare to Jennie's estate in its overall scale. 

Though its scenery was somewhat more elegant.

Lisa and Jennie came to a courtyard.

Lisa noticed a young house servant right away. 

Once he noticed them, he ran towards a house to knock on the door, then the door opened.

A young man around Lisa's age walked out. 

He was dressed in a silk overall, waving a closed folding fan in his hand.

The young man went "Aigo" from where he stood, then he strode towards Lisa and Jennie.

He gave a courtesy with his hands, then he said, "My cousin, it's been so long. What a rare guest."

Lisa took a strange look at the young man.

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