Chapter 11 - Fighting the Vodar

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Three Horned Man Region

Claire repeated the words of her Sprite song, taking up her position in the harness on Koldis's back, strapping herself in with absentminded ease. The moon was large against the horizon, lending a soft glow to an otherwise dark sky. Koldis took off, the others in formation around him.

Settling into flight, she closed her eyes and continued repeating the Sprite words, weaving them together in her mind. She didn't necessarily understand their meaning. They spoke of death. Of flames. Of justice. Yet they hummed with goodness and whispered of purity.

"We're here." Koldis said after a time. His voice was a whisper against her thoughts.

She opened her eyes. Her stomach lurched as he turned on his wing tip, making a wide circle.

Jovari followed, leading a second wing.

They were positioned far above the villages, which lay somewhere below, nestled in the wilderness. The ground was black beneath them, as if they were suspended in nothingness. Even through narrowed eyes, it was impossible to see where each village was, how far one was from the other, the miles between them. That didn't stop her imagination. She thought of what it might be like to call such a place home. How frightened the villagers must be, laying in wait for the inevitable appearance of Kane's Vodar. Terrified for what was to come.

Her stomach crawled. She was afraid for them. Afraid of what might happen if things went wrong.

Her mind stayed open to the Drengr. The mental connection to so many beings was strange, like they were linked by invisible silver strands. So many minds brushing against hers, each a unique fingerprint, each ready to send its thoughts at a moment's notice.

She shuddered. Their anticipation buzzed through her, making it difficult to discern her own emotions from those traveling across the strands of consciousness. She pulled her cloak more tightly about her shoulders.

Your magic is growing. You are getting stronger...

She frowned. Getting stronger? She wanted to ask Cyrus what he meant, but now was not the time.

She fixed her gaze on the dark landscape below. There were six pairs in the villages and fourteen in the sky. Each skyborne pair was assigned to one of three groups, one of three villages. Jovari had opted to join Kilian's group in Lormont.

As soon as the signal was given, each group would depart to protect the villagers and distract the Vodar. This would buy her time to work her magic. She and Koldis would remain skyborne, safely above, unseen to everyone below, the Vodar included.

"Lady Claire." Odrick was the first to contact her. She felt Til's presence piggybacking his. "The trench is complete. Villagers are in position. Watch for our signal."

"Thanks, Odrick." She paused before adding, "Be careful." It was more of a plea than anything.

"Aye, my lady. We will."

The others checked in similarly, each giving their status. Koldis had taken to circling overhead, flying large loops above. The others did the same in tight formation...waiting.

She ground her teeth together, frustrated that she didn't have a dragon's eyesight.

"We can't go any lower yet," Koldis explained after she voiced her complaint. "If we cross in front of the moon or if they smell us on the wind, the Vodar may be alerted to our presence. Who knows, they might sense us no matter how careful we are."

She took a deep breath. "I hope not. We only get one shot at this."

"Know what you need to do?" he asked. "Are you ready to do it?"

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