Chapter 44 - Confessions at Irelia Island

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Kastali Dun

Claire walked through the streets of Kastali Dun, arm in arm with Dallin. The young Drengr that Verath had asked that she speak with. Her entourage trailed far enough behind to give them privacy. Verath was there too, leading Desaree, while Bedelth led Jocelyn and Saffra, one on each arm. Lucky him! The king had also sent six of his castle guards. They made quite the party—quite the sight.

Dallin was close to her age. His kind called him young. And by their standards, he was. She almost snorted. What did that make her? A child? Talon had never treated her as such.

She glanced up at Dallin, taking him in. He was tall, but he lacked the layers of muscle seen in a fully mature Drengr. His cheekbones were strong, his chin pointed. His pale northerner skin was a direct opposite to those from Austar, like Bedelth. She liked his clear blue eyes most. They were nervous but determined, darting about, taking in the city with flecks of gold that glittered, noticing everything. He kept his auburn hair at medium length, swept to the side and cropped cleanly to his neck.

They made their way to the city's docks where they would tour the market. Everyone who passed stopped to bow or curtsy. Dallin glanced down at her frequently when this happened. When she caught his gaze, his cheeks colored and he looked away. "Forgive me, my lady, I'm not used to escorting important."

"You flatter me, Dallin. Important indeed! If it helps, I'm still not used to this attention either. And please, Claire, or Lady Claire if you must. My lady sounds too stiff coming from your lips."

He nodded. "Where I come from, no one ever offers me a second glance. I've yet to make a name for myself."

"Is that why you're eager to become a Shield?"

"The title holds allure, yes. That cannot be denied." He faltered, looking at her again, realization dawning in his eyes. "That's why we're out here, isn't it? To discuss my desires. I was surprised by your invitation. But now I understand."

She grinned up at him, caught in the act, and attempted a casual voice. "Oh, you know, I wanted to see who was trying to replace Lord Cyrus."

Dallin's throat bobbed. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I...I wish it wasn't necessary, Lady Claire—replacing him. But there was an opening."

"The king should always have six," she agreed. "You should know, Dallin, that Lord Cyrus is not really dead."

Dallin skipped a step and recovered. "But his body was—"

"Killed by poison and burned. Yes. I know. But his soul? His soul lives me. They call it a Gift. And in some ways, it is. This isn't common knowledge." She pinned him with her gaze, challenging him. "I trust you won't repeat it?"

"I won't say a word. I don't understand."

"The how is unimportant. What's important is that Cyrus is still alive in spirit. In here." She tapped her temple. "He sees what I see. Knows what I know. And more. He will know if you are worthy to take his place."

Dallin gazed straight ahead, jaw clenched. "That...that makes sense. It's only fair. I do not wish to fill a position I am unworthy of."

Go easy on the lad, Cyrus said, right on cue. I was like him once. Eager to prove myself. His heart is pure and true....

Pure and true heart or not, she said, Talon's safety is important. Besides, you had a mate. He's giving that up.

They had reached the market and the noise around them tripled. The crowds parted when they spotted her. She didn't look over her shoulder to see if the others had kept pace. She knew by the gawking that they were still there, creating quite the stir.

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