CHAPTER 45 - Challenging Dallin to a Hunt

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Kastali Dun

Talon found Claire in her chambers after her mage lessons. She jumped up from the sofa when Desaree admitted him, skin flushed. "Talon!"

Perhaps he should have warned her, but he liked catching her unawares. He relished the flash of pleasure across her features. Pleasure at seeing him.

Desaree glanced between them. "I...I'll just go for a walk then," she mumbled, darting out the door before he could stop her. Claire's eyes followed Desaree before settling on him.

He covered the distance between them and pulled her into an embrace, staring down at her. She locked her arms around his waist. Each place her body aligned with his sent a wave of fire through his veins. "Surprised to see me?"

"I...yes, actually." Her words came out breathless.

"But pleased, I hope?"

A smile blossomed. "Always pleased."

"Good." He kissed her but did not linger. There was too much on his mind. As much as he wanted to eat away his time kissing and caressing her, there were other matters to address. Reyr had contacted him earlier that afternoon. He would be home in an hour. Claire did not yet know, but she would be thrilled. Not as thrilled as he was, though. While he understood Reyr's need to mourn, there were matters to plan. Reyr would assist him in reclaiming Fort Squall.

He brushed his lips against her forehead before speaking again. "I came to inform you that a letter was dispatched to Queen Jade. I have told her of your impending visit." His chest tightened at the thought of losing her so soon. He hated this.


"You leave tomorrow, if that suits you." The words came out thicker than intended.

"To—tomorrow?" Worry creased her brow. "So soon?"

"Soon, yes. Too soon. I can postpone your departure if you wish?" He wanted more than anything to keep her here as long as possible—near him. But the safety he offered was fleeting, especially once he made his next move. He did not want to bring her with them to reconquer Fort Squall. But he knew she would insist on going. The more he considered it, the more he realized Claire would be safer in the forest, away from all that. Kane could not touch her there under Queen Jade's protection.

She closed her eyes briefly. "No, we cannot postpone any longer." She heaved a sigh. "We are running out of time. I will need every moment I can get while I'm there."

He nodded. "I thought as much."

"Do your Shields know yet? That I'm leaving?"

"No. We will tell them tonight. The time for secrets is over." He hesitated. "We will tell them what is between us...and of your Promise." She sucked in a surprised breath. "It's the only way to justify our decision to send you away. Otherwise they might not agree."

"You're right. It's for the best. But...Desaree, Jocelyn, and Saffra should be there too. They deserve to know."

"That's fair. Consider it done."

She let out a long exhale.

"What is it?" he asked, studying her expression.

"I promised Lady Tamara that I'd show her around when she arrived. And Desaree's trial. I suppose I had hoped to be here for it."

She didn't know yet, he realized. There hadn't been a chance to tell her. It was likely that Desaree didn't know either. "There will be no trial."

"What? But—"

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