Chapter 12 - Looking For Answers

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Kastali Dun

Verath lifted the bolt on the cell door and pushed it forward. It groaned. He strode in, nose crinkled. The cell's innards were dark. With a muttered cantrip, he went about lighting the wall sconces, making quick work of the task.

Eagle was curled up in the corner. He didn't move. It was said that torture could turn any man's mind insane. He believed it. Fortunately for Eagle's sake, he appeared fairly sane, considering all things.

He unwrapped the cheese cloth from a warm round he'd pilfered from the cooling rack in the cookery and crouched in front of Eagle. "You've seen better days." He eyed Eagle, noting the signs of rapid weight loss.

Eagle grunted, pushing himself into a sitting position. "Is that supposed to be funny, Drengr? Ha ha." He paused. "Has my protectoress decided what to do with me?"

"You're lucky you have a protectoress, otherwise I'd throttle you." He hesitated. "Every attempt to capture Collier has failed. Either you have been lying or he's smarter than the lot of us combined." He smoothed the scowl from his face.

Eagle snatched the round, tearing a large chunk away with his teeth. "I told you all I know," he said, mouth full. "I wasn't exactly in a position to lie through my teeth, was I? Too busy screaming." He swallowed. "What? I told you lot how to do it. Go alone. Ring the bell. Wait ten minutes. Your people didn't follow a single instruction, did they? What did you expect?"

He ground his teeth together. The plan had gone awry, and every attempt to recover Collier since, had failed. The poison maker was a tricky little shit. But he hadn't left the city. Why would he? After living here so long, getting away with so much, he didn't expect to be caught.

"Where do you think he's hiding out?" He asked. "There're probably multiple houses in the city. Where would he go?"

"Listen, man." Eagle held up his hands, bread round in one. "I'm from the North. I was given an address on a scrap of parchment. A single address. Not three. Not five."

Verath swore and set about pacing. Weeks had passed without success. Not a word. Not an inkling that would allow him to track Collier. He stopped and turned. "You're a criminal, Eagle. You know how criminals think, what they do, how they act. Where would he go? If you were him, where would you go if business was still too good to leave?"

Eagle regarded him. "En't it obvious? I'd go where you wouldn't be looking for me."

"Hmm...I had thought of that." He'd simply been too caught up in the obvious to give it much consideration.

"Good. Then whaddya need me for, eh?"

"Quiet." He thought for a moment. Where was King Talon most likely to search? The more populated areas were most obvious, places like the Pauper's District or Ambush Alley. Overcrowding made perfect conditions to slip between the cracks. They had searched both extensively. It's where he'd focused most of his efforts lately, rading taverns, inns, and alehouses.

He let out a long breath. "He'd go to Oldham Road. Or perhaps the Merchant's District. Both are close to the keep."

"Glad you figured it out." Eagle tore at the rest of the bread, devouring it in a matter of seconds. "If you happen to find him this time, tell him I want my money back."

"Right." Verath turned on his heel and swept from the room, leaving the sconces lit. His mind was deeply engrossed in strategy as he made his way from the dungeons. Four weeks until the trial—four weeks to prove that Lady Caterina was guilty.

"Imeir, you free?" Imeir was his oldest friend. He had agreed to help in whatever capacity necessary.

"Yes, why?"

Verath the Red (Dragonwall Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now