Chapter 40 - An Announcement for Fort Squall

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Celenore Wilderness

Tamara's feet ached something terrible. Her shoes weren't made for this. Each throbbing step was a reminder of the many leagues they had covered, but also of the many they had yet to go. Their journey would take them through Celenore to Scattered Island Bay, where King Talon had promised ships to take them the remaining distance around Galadhal's peninsula to Fort Kastali.

The vast, rolling plains of Celenore stretched before them like a lumpy blanket. On and on as far as the eye could see, the grass was dusted with hues of brown and light green. She shielded her gaze against the sun, squinting. Did it ever end? Perhaps not. Perhaps the plains would go on forever, on and on. Just like them.

"Do you think there will be unmated Drengr at Fort Kastali?" Sophie broke the silence between them. She kept pace by her side, always in good spirits.

"I would imagine so," she said, distracted.

"I hope there are." Sophie nudged her shoulder. "I would love another chance to try again."

"I would like that too." She smiled at Sophie, attempting to match her bubbly mood. At least one of them was enjoying this.

"And the capital!" Sophie clapped her hands together. "Can you picture it? I never thought I would see it with my own eyes." Shadows passed by overhead. They squinted against the sun to watch a returning group of Drengr with their Riders. "Will you and Byron go out flying this afternoon?"

"Gods, I hope so." Her heart leapt at the thought. "I need to get off these aching feet."

"Oh. Well, at least you can." Sophie's voice lost some of its eagerness. "The rest of us..."

"I..." Tamara's face burned. "That was a thoughtless thing to say. You're right. I'm sorry."

Sophie shrugged. "You were lucky enough to find a mate. I was not."

"Ladies?" A deep voice came from behind them. Byron fell into step beside her, his gaze assessing. He'd become more watchful of her after the attack, always looking for hidden hurts or wounds, afraid to take his eyes off her as if he might lose her as he did his parents. Or perhaps he expected her to fall apart at any moment. It was a wonder she hadn't. How many women her age were forced into this level of responsibility? And without a single complaint at that?

She wanted to complain. Gods! Sometimes she wanted to scream at the heavens. It was all so awful. So unfair! She should have been grateful to be alive, but instead, she was bitter.

"Lord Byron!" Sophie attempted a curtsy without slowing their pace and giggled.

"Good to see you, Sophie. You look well. And keeping Tamara company, no less. I am glad."

"Of course, Lord Byron." Sophie blushed and turned away.

"Tam?" Byron's gaze fell upon her. He'd taken to using the nickname shortly after the attack. She wasn't sure why, but it gave her a thrill. "Shall we fly?"

She squinted up at him, keeping her gaze shielded with her hand against the bright sun. "You're not too tired?"

"Tired? Of course not."

"You've had your wings out all morning."

"So? Scouting is easy work. What do you say?"

"Well, if that's the case." She glanced at Sophie. "You'll be okay?"

"Of course." Sophie bobbed her head. "I'll go walk with the folks from the cookery. They look as if they require some good company. And mine is the best, after all." Her grin was infectious.

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