Part 7

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There had been no communication from her ex-husband since that fateful letter that had left Petunia on edge. That afternoon when the boys had returned home from school they were able to sense that something had happened, even when the woman pretended everything was fine. Petunia just wanted to put it in the back of her mind and focus on raising three rowdy boys to become happy and healthy kids, that was her main priority now. She had no one to lean on for help, she had to become strong to get through any challenges put in front of her.

Time flew for the family that remained on Evan's family estate. The estate itself had been brought back to life with the duration of the family's staying there. The house was undergoing major renovations updating the interior and fixing the crumbling fence to keep the busy boys from running straight through the fields. Safety had become a main priority for Petunia as George was becoming more mobile. During that time she had also purchased a few animals for the older boys to have some responsibility to care for, she had got a few chickens and elder horses to graze in the fields. It brought a smile to her face watching the boys bond by feeding the horses homegrown carrots.

By the time George was a year old, it was when Petunia finally trusted someone to care for the boys so Petunia could enjoy a night out on the town with her friends made with the other local mothers. Spending her time with the young children brought her spark back, where she never fussed over her appearance as she had done so with her marriage. Her dyed brown hair had been replaced with her former golden blonde locks and her blue eyes were brighter from the smile that regularly made an appearance on her face.

The group of women had decided to enjoy some pre-drinks at the local bar before hitting the Karaoke bar later. "So Petunia, will you be considering matching up wth any bachelors?" Her friend Mary asks, sipping on a glass of wine.

A laugh escapes Petunia's mouth. The young woman had no intention of pursuing another relationship, she was too focused on raising three children. What man would be interested in a mother of three children? "I have plenty of male attention in my own home." She jokes in a friendly tone, sipping her own glass of wine nervously. She was afraid her friends has something planned for her later in the evening. She was the only woman not married, not that it mattered to Petunia. She had all the freedom in the world, perhaps she never wanted to be in another relationship due to her breakdown in the previous marriage. She had let him abuse her until she was only a shell of her former self.

Her female counterparts had to assure the woman they had no intention of signing her up for blind dates anytime soon. It calmed Petunia's anxiety and the low mood disappeared with their celebration kicking into gear. They wanted to celebrate a night not taking care of their families.

The ladies make their way from the small bar on the edge of town to the busy town centre, where the lights were up as the festivities were nearing. The school would be out for the Winter holidays in a matter of weeks. The woman all wore winter coats with jeans and their finest sweaters they could find, an outfit Petunia would be named a whore for wearing around Vernon. There was a smirk on her face since now she had the freedom to enjoy fashion on her terms no longer needing to please him. Or impress his old-fashioned parents.

The trio of women make their way into the busy Karaoke bar, with Mary ordering drinks and the other two finding themselves a booth while laughing at someone singing terribly on the makeshift stage. Maggie notes there were some fine gentlemen at the bar as they walked in, Petunia just mutters out a laugh as Mary returns with their drinks. "Here's to a good night ladies!" Mary chimes as they clink their glasses full of Muggle alcohol.

Petunia's drink was sweet, she finished it quickly. Feeling the effects almost instantly as things begin to seem fuzzy around her.

After another three rounds of drinks, it was Petuina's turn to purchase the next round as she had just spent some time on the dancefloor. Letting loose like she had done for a brief period in her late teenage years when she had moved out of the home before she had met Vernon. Now she found herself bumping to the pop music blasting out of the speakers as she waits her turn for the bartenders to finish taking the order for people in front of her.

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