Part 52

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When the time came Petunia was joined by her children, Severus and Lily and James. They were met at the front door of Number Four by a butler who bowed deeply to them all before taking his leave. The house was warmly lit with gas lamps on every wall rather than candles or oil burners. It felt very different from the same home that was on Earth, this was a reflection presented in the purgatory state.

Each member of the family landed in different states before being brought to this location to meet in the afterlife. Petunia had been transported to this location just moments before, clutching to the hand of her grandson Luke and Severus. They were first met by James and Lily, their usual white outfits she was used to seeing replaced with casual black robes which made her smile. She hadn't realised how much she missed these two until they entered into sight, Petunia wasn't one to look for their company often. "Sister!" Lily called before engulfing her sister in a tight hug, her long hair pulled back in a tight hairstyle.

"Lily," Petunia breathed as she returned the embrace. "I am so glad you are here."

"Me too." Lily smiled through tears.

They parted and found James standing behind them. "It's good to see you in something other than white, it clashed too much with your pale complexion." Their relationship was still strained but that was the most compliment she had received from her brother-in-law. Petunia looked down at her clothing and noticed a difference. Where she usually wore a long white cotton dress was replaced with a long floral skirt and a simple pale pink blouse. Her shoes were now plain black pumps rather than her usual bare feet. "What happened?"

James smiled broadly. "We are no longer living in purgatory." He stated. 

"It's time," Severus spoke into the darkness, his former outfit replaced with a black sweater and jeans, no sign of the black cloak he had worn in life. "We must cross through the threshold to cross over."

Petunia was stunned, Luke clutching her side as if afraid to let go of her. "Sev- I mean Severus, what is happening?"

"This is the next part of our journey, we have to pass through the threshold." He repeated. She understood the words, but she was confused. She had been led to believe that her children would join her to pass over. "That's what we have preparing for, our souls transported to peace."


"M...mum?" Spoke a familiar voice, making the adults turn around. Harry stood there, dressed in casual clothing, and still drawn in front of him.

"Oh my God, Harry! What are you doing here? How did you get here?" Lily ran over the short distance to the young man that stood there wearing the glasses that had been passed down to him from his father. He didn't look like a boy anymore.

"I don't know, we appeared in here together." He answered simply.

Petunia couldn't take her eyes off him. She had missed the boy she helped raise. "Harry, you're looking well." She spoke curtly, knowing his focus would be on his parents whom he had been separated from since he was an infant.

"Thanks, Petunia." Harry was glad to see her here in this place. It seemed amends had been made during the time she had departed from Earth. His father was standing next to his bully Severus, who held the shoulder of a small boy that Harry had a fleeting memory of. The face belonged to his nephew who had been found murdered, his body discarded in a drain only three kilometres from his home. It shocked him that he didn't look any different than the last known photograph of the boy who engaged in a conversation with his former potions professor. "I missed you." Harry gave a small smile before turning his attention to his mother. "The others are joining us soon."

"I'm sure I can guess who they are." Petunia forced a smile onto her lips. "You'll never have to be alone again."

"I hope not," Harry replied without thinking.

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