Part 41

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It had been another long and trying day for Millie Evans, she had discarded her school uniform and bag on the floor of her brother's newly purchased home. He wasn't in sight, nor was his partner, both were at work so she could enjoy the silence for once. She relaxed as she stepped out of her bedroom after changing into comfortable attire and lay down on the couch, no longer needing them to keep her steady on her feet. S he had picked up a letter that had been addressed to her that Dudley's girlfriend Anna had left out for her, it had been delivered that morning before she had ventured to work.

The teenage girl was curious as to the contents of the letter. She was used to people sending her a text these days rather than a letter. The envelope had been opened and the contents removed from within. It appeared to be a written letter by her mother before she passed. The girl felt confused as she held it in her hands seeing her name at the top of the page. Her mother had passed not a short while ago, why had a letter been sent to her?

My Dearest Amelia,
I hope this letter finds you well, as I understand your decision was the hardest to make about your future in the final days of my life. You appeared torn by being separated from your twin brother and the other life you have back in Australia. I do hope, whatever you have chosen, that you are happy. Just remember you are supported and loved by your older brothers. I do wish you had a sister in life to guide you, yet you are so strong and independent.
I was so proud to be your mother, even if the difficult periods. You have still stood by my side, right until my final hours as I write this letter to you. This letter entails some information that I have always intended to give you, yet I never had the courage myself to tell you or your brothers. You have the choice to disregard this information and continue your life as normal or discover more of your origins, Harry had hope that it would bring you closer to the wizarding world.

Your biological father was a wizard named Severus Snape, I understand he was a teacher at Hogwarts the year that you attended. Since communication between us was sparse during that time I was never sure if you had interacted with him.
You see, I did inform him that I was pregnant before I had uprooted the family to Australia. Due to that decision, I wasn't sure if he had figured out that you and Beckham were his children, it had never been my intention to keep the secret from him forever. I was waiting until the wizarding war had ended, only to find that Severus had passed in the fight at Hogwarts. To add to the mystery of the family, it was found that George is your biological brother, sharing the same father as your twin.
I am not sure of your reaction to the news, you were under the impression your father had no interest in knowing you and that you were of non-magical origin. I understand if this makes you hate the wizarding world more, but you had a right to know.
Love always,
Your mother. Petunia.

Attached to the letter was a series of supporting messages for Millie, wishing her well in her future endeavours. "What the fuck?" She blurted out in shock, dropping the paper on the wooden floor. She was in disbelief that her mother had exposed a long secret that she had kept for the whole duration of her life. Wanting to know the identity of the man that was her father had always haunted the youngest Evans sibling, she hoped there had been half-siblings she could meet. Not only had she been told who he was, but he also was dead and the only memory of him was a brief meeting with him regarding the lack of a correct uniform at Hogwarts. What was she supposed to do with this information now?

Millie awaited the few hours for Dudley to get home, his partner Anna had questioned the foul mood she had gotten from the teenager staying in her home. She was met with a bedroom door slammed in her face and she decided to ignore the girl and continue her evening routine until she was met with Dudley. Once inside he greeted Anna with a kiss on the cheek. "Where's Mills?" He wondered putting his belongings on the couch in the living room that was attached to the kitchen.

"Locked herself in her bedroom again," Anna confirmed as she busied herself preparing a simple dinner for the trio that evening. "She said it's nothing to worry about."

Dudley sighed heavily as he leaned against the wall behind him. "I'm not so sure about that but we'll talk when she gets out of there." To which Anna agreed.

The clock chimed the hour and Millie came down the stairs. Her hair was wet and covered by a towel covering her head. She smiled at her brother Dudley who let out a small sigh of relief before speaking. "Hey, you okay?"

She nodded looking up from his book. "Yeah, just tired I guess. It's been a busy day." Dudley nodded his head as Anna prepared servings of dinner Millie finally approached the couple after being called for dinner. "I got a letter from mum." Millie casually brought it up as she joined Dudley at the dining table.

That confused Dudley, it seemed impossible for his dead mother to send a letter. "What kind of letter?" He asked curiously.

Millie looked at her plate and then back to Dudley. "She explained who my deadbeat father was." There was a forced smile on her face. "I don't really know what to think about it."

Anna paused in serving Dudley's portion of meat as she looked over at the teenage girl. "Are you alright? You look pale."

Millie looked dumbfounded, she had tried to not let the news affect her. "My father was the Headmaster of Hogwarts and died, it just confirmed that I'm an orphan." That was a lot of news to take in. Not even Dudley had heard of this long-forgotten secret, he knew his siblings were only related through the ties of their mother's bloodline and never thought about who their father was.

Dudley could only imagine how his sister was feeling. His eyes became clouded with sadness, and he reached across the table and took her hand. "It's okay, you can tell me whatever you need." He wanted to make sure that the girl was supported. Anna too confirmed her support in helping Millie through this difficult time. "Do you know if Beckham has been sent a similar letter?"

Millie had no idea if her twin had been sent one. He was attending Hogwarts on the opposite side of the planet from her. "I'm not sure, I didn't receive any communication from him." Her mind was still going through all of the information.

Dudley shrugged his shoulders. "Perhaps we should check on him."

Millie smiled, she imagined her brother in a library setting reading books about any information that may be available to find out about their biological father. "Knowing him, if he has he will be putting together a big research project into learning about the history of our supposed father's bloodline."

Anna laughed. "Let's hope so, or else he'll just assume everything is normal and carry on."

Dudley couldn't help but chuckle himself. "You're right, he's stubborn enough to do that." The use of humour was something that had been taught Petunia to cope with difficult situations. "I'm curious who the man was." He quizzed, wanting to know if there had been a name printed in the letter.

"Severus Snape," Millie spoke without emotion as she played with the food presented in front of her. That answer made Dudley choke on his food.

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