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He harshly get you out of his room and locked it on your face. You stand there sobbing hardly not able to process what your fate did with you.

Your heart broke into millions of pieces when he did that and his those harsh words repeated in your head again and again like an echo in the forest. Listening all these things from the love of your life was too much for you.

'Why is this my fault? Why God put me in this situation? What was I suppose to do rather than taking that decision?' You sobs hardly as you hear the sound of things shattering on the floor.

Jimin looks really angry as he groans loudly ruining his bedsheet and throwing the blanket over it to the floor. His bookshelf near him, He harshly pushes it as the books with bookshelf fall on the floor making a loud sound.

You on the other side walk downstairs carrying your heavy wedding gown not knowing what else you can do. You see the guest room but it is locked so you just sit on couch in the living room.

You cry burying your head on your knees as the cold breeze touches your bare shoulders. You can't even change because your suitcase is in Jimin's room and you're not allowed there to even go.

Ofcourse it was cold night and you sit like that shivering in cold. Tears never stop rolling down your eyes and so as your hiccups. Yeah You have a problem of hiccuping whenever you cry.

Whole night, it was hard for you to sleep but you don't know when you lie on couch and slept away.

In Morning....

Jimin is sitting on the cold floor taking support of his bed with a blanket over him. His room is quite messy and the empty alcohol bottles surrounding him.
The one is in his hand which he just left.

He opens his eyes as the bright sunlight touches his face. He wakes up and was confuse himself how he ended up like this. He remove his blanket and stand up seeing the messy state of his room.

He sighs thinking, 'what i really did yesterday? Why my temper is so bad that I even forget what I'm doing?' He walks to the washroom and washed his face first. 'I'm a married man now. Behave yourself Jimin.' He says looking himself in mirror.

'Doesn't matter, her face will always remind me of the woman who cheated on me. The hell I trusted on her?' He frustrately talks with himself. He washes his face again and sigh giving up on himself.

He opens his room door and goes downstairs not knowing where you are. He sees you lying on the couch wearing the same wedding gown and shivering in cold. He comes to you as he sighs and says, 'Did she seriously sleep like this whole night?'

His annoyance is visible as he goes to the kitchen and take a glass of water. He drinks all of it and comes to you again. He drop the glass as it made a sound of shattering of glass pieces to the floor.

You flinch by the sound and open your eyes suddenly sitting up in couch. "Awake? Good." He says and goes to the kitchen. You scrunch your nose as the strong smell of alcohol hit you, 'Did he pour a bottle of alcohol on himself' You think as you rub your nose. 

You manage to stand up as you felt your head heavy. Your whole body was aching and especially the head part, like it's spinning. You remember how you slept away last night crying and shivering in cold.

"I'm going to order breakfast. Go and freshen up and first change yourself then we will talk about what to do next." He says from the kitchen.

"There's no need to talk about anything. I know you're powerful enough to manage everything so I'll sign the divorce paper as you want." You say in your low and calm voice.

He scoffs and comes to you, "Is it really easy for both of you? Like how easily you said that? Well I'm glad you want divorce and think I'm powerful enough to handle these things but who will clean the mess you both sister created?" He says.

You listen him but your head was still spinning around like it ever did. "I don't know why you always stand numb infront of me. Go and get change before I lose my temper again." He says and turns around.

You are looking down as always and you nod your head in tiny and the next you remember is your head goes numb and you fell to the floor closing your eyes.

Jimin turns by the sound of you falling to the floor as he sees you faint there. He panicks and comes to you as he calls you by your name try to wake you up.

"Y/n!!! Heyyy!!" When nothing worked, He picks you up in his arms in bridal style and walks to his room upstairs. He was now regretting seeing the condition of his room and he made you lie on his bed.

He feels your body's temperature rising up as he checks your forehead. "She's burning hot." He says. He got up to find his phone there on the table as he calls the doctor.

"It's ok, I'll be waiting for you Doctor." He says and hung up the call. He first think to clean the room as it's condition was worst ever he could imagine. He covers your lower body with the quilt and first clean the glass pieces all over the floor.

Time skip and the doctor is checking you when he stands up and says, "She just have a high fever. But it's really high that's why she fainted. Don't let her out in cold Okay and here is the medicine she has to take twice a day. I'll suggest a proper bed rest and also take care of her."

Jimin nods and bows to him as he left. "I never take care of myself, why the heck I'll take care of her. Yah!! Jimin-ah.. Don't be so heartless okay." He talks with himself as he makes an another call.

"Eomma!! Did you both leave already?" He asks.
"Aniyo!! we are still here. why?"
"Uh.. Then can You come to my place?" He asks
"Why? Is everything alright?"
"Sa-na is not doing good. She has fever. It would be fine if you can come and take care of her as I don't know how to do it." He says.

"C'mon Jimin, You know I'm not happy with your marriage as I never liked that girl, still you want me to be there with her?"
"Eomma!! You're my mom, Don't be like this please." He says.
"Aish!! Your word 'mom'. I'll come just for you."

She says as they both hung up the call and Jimin successfully cleaned his room too. He sprayed some room freshener in the room so her mom doesn't get to know that he drank last night.

After One or two hour, His mom comes as she hugs her son dearly. "Where is she?" She asked as he guides her to his room where you were still unconscious. "You didn't even change her clothes?" She asks looking at you still in wedding gown.

"Aniyo Eomma!! How could I do that?" He nervously says.
"What do you mean how? Isn't she your wife now? Don't you love each other? I'll be back after freshen up. Do it before I come back." She says dominating over him.

"Aniyo Eomma, I?? But why? You're here now." He says. "Ah!! Keys of the guest room?" She asks for it as he gave it from the cupboard. She goes and before going into room she turns to him and says, "Do it before I come back."

He looks blankly at her. 'Seriously?'


I'm sorry readers. I tried to write it in present tense but I'm habitual to past tense so it is really hard for me.

I'll continue it writing in past tense. I hope you're liking the story. Will see you soon. Bye!!

Love you💗💗

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