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Jennie was crying because for the first time in his career with her always sincere and passionate work for the company, She was scolded by Jimin. None of her superior ever scolded him but the CEO himself, raised his voice on her today for the very first time. She was sobbing looking down standing in the corridor while Taehyung was watching her.

"Ms. Kim, Don't take his words to heart. Something might happen that he's misbehaving." Taehyung approached her. Jennie quickly wiped her tears as she said, "I wasn't crying. It's just... I thought I did something wrong. I'm not competent towards my job. Nevermind, I shall go back to my work."

Taehyung understood her as she was going but he held her arm and made her stand infront of him to face him, "Ms. Jennie, No one in this company is as competent as you. We have got the best maintenance team in our company and you're leading them. How can you think so lowly of yourself?" Taehyung said.

Jennie eyes filled with tears as she said looking away, "Why are you comforting me? We are not even that close." Jennie said. "Let's be close then, Only then you can talk so informally to me like you're doing right now." Taehyung said poking his fore-finger on her forehead.

Jennie looked at him for a minute with sincerity as he was still poking his finger to her forehead. "Ahhh--- Why are you doing this? Leave me." Jennie said so informally holding his finger. "Look Look, You, You are it again. Manner Ms. Kim Jennie, Manner!!" Taehyung said making her laugh.

"You just said I can talk informally with you if we are close, I'm getting close to you because I don't want to talk formally with someone who is so incompetent in my eyes." Jennie was speaking and walking to you room. "Aishhh!!! I'm taking my words back, Someone just got so much attitude just now." Taehyung said and keep walking with her.

Jennie smiled but didn't give it to him but was only walking towards your room, She saw the door of the room open and her smile soon disappeared. She was confused as Taehyung was same seeing the door open and when they both went into the room, they both looked at each other and then the condition of the room.

Jennie walked in first quickly, The broken vase, messy state of the room. Taehyung went in too as he noticed the bag full of chocolates on the couch with your medicines. He confusely looked at the broken vase where Jennie was. "Did they fought? Something happened? But what really happened? Is Mrs. Park fine?" Jennie asked looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung couldn't say anything but nodded in response. "Aishhh!! I shouldn't leave her alone. Gosh that's my fault. Is that why Mr. Park left in so hurry?" Jennie got a hold of her hair, too much confusion and worries. "No Ms. Kim, It wasn't your fault. You said Mr. Wang sent you away for some paper work right?" Taehyung asked.

Jennie nodded in response as Taehyung give a thought to it and soon he said, "Come with me." Jennie looked at him, "But where?" Taehyung held her wrist and drag her with him, "That's not the time to think something else. Let's check on Jimin and Y/n first." Taehyung said.

"Y/n? who is she?" Jennie asked looking at Taehyung in confusion as Taehyung was taken aback by her question. He scrunched his eyes almost cursing himself, "I'll tell you later. Go and find Mrs. Park first and try to handle the situation with your best okay." Taehyung said as Jennie didn't move to refuse it.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked. "Isn't it there personal life? No I mean, if it was something related to company then they should be calm and peaceful about to solve it calmly but If it's getting out of this company then for sure it's their personal life and a employee like me isn't allowed to meddle in my superiors personal l......"

Jennie was cut off by Taehyung's lips on hers. Jennie was taken aback as her eyes widen and Taehyung just pecked on her lips as he back off and said, "That's the life of my best friend and now you as my girlfriend, can also meddle in my friend's personal life. Got it? Will you help now or not?" Taehyung asked as Jennie was too stunned to speak.

"Answer sweetheart." Taehyung asked in hurry and lil worried about both of his friends. "Ah yeahh yeahh... " Jennie nodded and Taehyung started dragging her with him. "But I can't be your girlfriend, I never admitted to that." Jennie said still walking with him. "We are close now atleast. We kissed. You can now meddle in my personal business. Will you help or not? I just need you right now, I can't do it alone." Taehyung said.

"You're unbelievable." Jennie scoffed. "Good. You agreed, that's enough for me." Taehyung said. "What's the point now, They both already left." Jennie said. "Are you sure Jimin said he's leaving?" Taehyung asked. "Yes he even wanted to cancel his whole schedule for today and Mrs. Park went after him." Jennie said.

"Arrasso, Try calling your miss, I will call Jimin." Taehyung said as they both almost came out of the company. "She's not picking up." Jennie informed Taehyung, "So Jimin isn't." He said it too. Walking further towards the car, both of their eyes caught you. They saw you on the floor, weeping hard with your face covered with your palm.

"Mrs. Park." Jennie ran towards you leaving Taehyung behind. Taehyung followed her. You were still not getting a hold of yourself as you felt so broken, so confused, you felt everything is just ending at this point. When you heard someone's calling you Mrs. Park but it just hurt your even more and you weep even harder.

"Jimin listen me atleast..." You mumbled in between your sobs. Someone's hand was placed on your back and knew someone just kneeled down beside you to check on you but you knew it is not Jimin and you didn't even bother yourself to see. "Mrs. Park, Are you okay? Why are you crying?" She asked but you didn't respond and cried even more.

"Mrs. Park please stand up. Let's go in. We will talk later about it. Stop crying please." She said trying her best to help you but it wasn't working and your stomach was hurting by all this crying but tears never stopped coming out. You didn't listen her, All you wanted was just Jimin to listen you.

"Y/n.. Y/n Get up, Get a hold of yourself. Stop crying. Let's go in, it's so chill outside and you're just wearing this dress. You will catch a cold. Let's go in." Taehyung kneeled down too and caressed your back. You sniffed and wiped your tears to look at Taehyung in atleast better state.

"Taehyung-ah.. Taehyung -ah please take me to Jimin, I wanna talk to him. There's a huge misunderstanding between us. I want to clear it out myself. Please take me to him." You asked taking his hand in yours. Jennie was confused as Taehyung just called her Y/n and Her Mrs. Park is so close with Taehyung.

"Y/n-ah!!! Get up please. Let's go in first. I'm going to talk to Jimin, I will make him come to you himself. He will talk with you okay." Taehyung said as you nodded, "Okay then, I'm waiting right here. I'll sit on this bench and wait for him. Bring him to me as quickly as possible. Please"

You said, Your eyes filled with tears as you pointed towards the bench near you. "Y/n you will catch a cold outside. Also, you're not well. Go in. I'll bring him to you. Don't worry." He said but you shook your head in deniel continuously. "No.. I won't. I will wait here for him. I want him to reach me as quickly as he can."

"Y/n-ah!!!" He held your both arms to shook you a lil. You hissed his pain when his cold fingers came in contact with your deep cut. "Mrs. Park, Your elbow, It's bleeding." Jennie said as she noticed it first. Taehyung noticed it too as he looked worriedly as shoved his hand off.

"Y/n. Go in and get yourself treated. Take rest. I promise Jimin will come to you. Go in." Taehyung said. "No I'm fine. I'm alright. You go and bring him. I wanna talk to him." You said not really listening them for a second. Taehyung looked at Jennie as Jennie nodded to assure him and giving him advice to go and bring Jimin to her.

Taehyung stood up and went to his car as you get a hold of yourself. You gripped your hair tightly not to lose the consciousness.


My lovelies....

Are you having fun?
hmm I see, you guys are sad.

Don't worry there is always a bright sky after a thunderous night.

But let me tell you in advance, things are always not that simple the way they looks a like.

Anyways.. Don't forget to vote and leave your comments if you're really having a feeling of interest.

B-Bye. Will meet you soon with the next update that too will be so so so soon.

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