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"We liked each other and were about to date. If It wasn't you, then it was me." She said, not even regretting for a second the words she just said.

Your mouth gaped open, still processing what she said just now. You tried to say, "Ah.. You shouldn't have said this, knowing we are married now." You gave her a sarcastic smile, taking up your plate and going back to kitchen.

Mary scoffed and stood up from the table, going upstairs. The look on her face was obviously, pissed off. She went to Jimin's room who was working on his laptop.

"Leave Mary. I'm working. I don't allow anyone in." Jimin said, his eyes still on laptop. "Wait.. How did you get that it's me? My fragrance or you feel my presence?" She said with a victorious smile plastered on her face.

"Stop that nonsense. Y/n don't come in my room like this. She always knocks." Jimin said, his eyes up to Mary. She scoffed, "You guys are annoying. But Tell me one thing Jimin, why you did this to me?" She was furious.

"I'm not taking it anymore. Leave me alone." Jimin said, unbothered. "What? Now you'll just keep your rude acts? Jimin I loved you. I just wanted you in my life. But you send me away and now when I hoped that I would finally get you, Boom!! You are now married to someone else." She stormed out.

Jimin furiously shut his laptop and stood up, ready to yell.But He calmed himself down taking a deep breath, running his hand through his hair, "Listen Mary. I want you to leave now. I'm trying my best not to yell or storm out on you infront of Y/n. Please respect that and get the hell out of my room. I don't want Y/n to know about us above all."

"But I already told her and I'm staying here tonight at all cost. If you refused, I gonna make the situation worst." She manipulated him. "What? You told her?" He exhaled frustrately, "No.. You won't stay here after all this. We don't even have extra room for you." Jimin said.

"What do you mean extra room? What happened to guest room? It turned to your make out room or something?" She asked pissing off. "Shut up!! Y/n stays there." He told her.

"You guys stay in different rooms? Damn!! it's a good thing for me." She smirked at him. Jimin glared at her. "I mean... I won't ask, why you guys are staying in different rooms. I'm happy that you guys haven't intimated yet." She said being a bitch.

"You're just annoying me right now. I don't wanna call you Bitch right now, like how you acted. We have some issues, That's why we are staying in different rooms." He stated trying his best to be calm.

"Issues? Good!! Then It's final. I'm staying in your room. We can share bed, I have no problem." She said resting her ass on the bed. "What? No!! You're not staying at all." Jimin was frustrated.

"Let her stay if she wants to." You came into the room, listening some of their conversation. "Omg!! Even your dear wife doesn't have any problem with me, staying here." Mary said. "But I have. I won't allow you in my room. Not at all." Jimin said.

Mary was quiet, so you were. "Y/n.. Do you want her to sleep in my room with me?" Jimin asked. "Oh!! Is that what she wants? No!! It ain't happening." You announced. "Exactly, That's why You can't stay here. We don't have extra room." Jimin said looking at Mary.

"Jimin I told you something before. You know what I'm capable of, Right? I'm staying here or I gonna call Uncle, your dad right now." She said. Jimin sighed, He was frustrated now.

He glared from Y/n to Mary. "You won't stay in my room then, Y/n will stay here. You can take her room for a night and you gonna leave tomorrow." Jimin said in his stern voice.

"Don't you guys have some issues? I won't be happy if you'll stay in one room. I mean, what if You guys disturbed me from your weird noises." Mary was getting on Jimin's nerve now. "Get the hell out of here. Y/n, Move in with your stuff." Jimin said showing the way out to Mary and got back to his laptop.

'Stuff? I do have stuff to sleep? Yeah!! My Ted Toy!!' You thought and went to your room, changing into something comfortable and taking your Teddy bear which you hug while sleeping. "This guy is weird. He's letting me sleep in his room just because he is annoyed by his ex? Plus, He lied, Didn't storm back when she spatted nonsense." You were muttering all the time.

"Don't think of yourself lucky. I know you guys are lying, You're not a thing at all. Arranged marriage kinda sucks dude." Mary came into the room while you just looked at her confused.

"You're his cousin, means sister. I will respect you girl, whatever you think. But He said that I'm his wife. Woah!! That's rare." You grinned at her and got out of the room shrugging off your shoulders.

While Mary was just pissed off, raging in anger because of what you just said. She picked up the vase and about to threw it away but she stopped taking a deep breath and putting it back.

You knocked on his room and he exactly knew it is you. He sighed, 'I just didn't get, why it happens with me only? How I gonna make her understand the situation? She must be on cloud nine now.' Jimin said in his mind. He was absolutely right, You were on cloud nine because you won over his ex.

"come!!" He said in his tired voice, working on laptop. "Oh Are you still working?" You asked. "I want you to just get over there and sleep. Don't talk to me." He said in his unbothered but bothered tone.

"Fine. I'm here for sleep only. Right." You shrugged off your shoulders and went to bed, pulling on the blanket on your legs and sitting on bed resting your back on the headboard. You acted like you're scrolling your phone but spare glances to him.

The way his face was highlighting in the light of screen of the laptop. His eyes focused and moving on the screen while his lips were doing their own job, sometimes bitten by his teeth or sometimes making a pout and sometimes his tongue clicking.

"Oh No Y/n.. You're mad at him. He lied, you have a hive of questions. Stop drooling." You mumbled and suddenly bit your lip to suck your voice in. "You said something?" He asked.

"Oh No! not at all. You told me not to talk to you. How can I say a word sir?" You gave him a sarcastic look. "What? Sir?" He squinted his eyes looking at you. "You're working now and basically, normally, technically, physically, and so many ally, You're my Boss. I suppose to call you Sir but it's just I don't call you." You started a confusing conversation.

"Here you start again. Y/n. You can stay quiet too." He said. He was right. You were not a great fan of talking but you talk like chatting box infront of him even when his answers are short or nothing. "Oh Yeah, Someone else stole my license today of talking." You said pulling the right nerve.

"What do you mean?" He asked sighing frustrately. "Nothing. I'm going to sleep." You said. 'Oh no!! How can I? I have questions to ask.' "Fine." Jimin got back to work, unbothered again.


Wassup my buddies?

How your days are going on?

Pretty well? I know I know. Surely after that Run BTS practice video.

Suga has decided to kill us by his killer hairstyle.
And Jimin's clothes never learnt to behave themselves.

I gonna send email to Bighit to work on their hairstyle which are killing us and clothes which are revealing their bare body. It won't work like this.

Agree girls?

Now You can vote up!!


*My puppy eyes*

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