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Jimin was driving when he talked to himself, 'No way she can cook so tasty food. I mean, I have eaten it somewhere but couldn't remind where? Why it was familiar taste? She ordered it from the restaurant but it wasn't from nearby one. Aish!! why I'm thinking, Forget it Jimin.'

While you just sang happily into the living room, swaying your body. 'Ah I remember, I have to call Amara.' You dialed number of her on your smart phone.

You:- Hey Amara!!
Amara:- Is that you Y/n?
You:- Yeah.
Amara:- Oh I'm so happy talking to you after such a long time. How are you?

You:- Well I'm fine. How's everything going on? You're a star now, an international star.
Amara:- Yeah I'm. I'm on holidays.

You:- Oh yeah, I heard you came back from Paris right?
Amara:- Yeah just for two weeks.

You:- well Amara, I need your help. I'm sorry bothering you on your holidays but I actually need your help.
Amara:- Hey, Don't be sorry sweetheart. Tell me what's the matter?

You:- Umm can you teach me modelling? only some basics. I don't want to be professional.
Amara:- Hm? so sudden? Your passion is singing right? Then why modelling out of blue?

You:- Things turned out like this Amara. I can't tell you on phone. Can you come at my place? I mean, no... my hus... h-husband place?

Amara:- Husband? Are you married now? The f*ck, I missed your marriage staying in Paris. Text me address, I'll be there in an hour.
You:- Ah yeah.... I'm waiting.

You hung up the call, 'she hyped up listening marriage. woah do things change like this?'

Time Skipped to evening, you were with your friend Amara. She was still there with you and listened you whole day plus taught some basics to you of building your confidence.

"You know what Y/n, Your eyes tell your confidence. Give a look like you're the prettiest. wait actually you're the prettiest." Amara said.

"Oh c'mon Amara. Don't bring jokes in between your lesson." You said. "well I said the truth. Ok let's sit for now." She said. "How mang times you will say this, sit sit sit. That's what we are doing from hours." You said.

"I know you're worried but Do you think you can be a model in one week? I mean, people take months, years to be a professional and that Ji-nim gave you one week for whose sake man?" She said.

"It's Jimin Amara. Please." You interuptted. "Ah whatever." She didn't take it seriously. "Amara, He is stressed too. He is worried too about his company. It's not his fault." You said.

"Don't you think you're taking your brand new husband's side too much? Like he is totally hating you when you love him, taking care of him, being nice to him and what he is doing in return? Being a jerk." She said.

"Stop it Amara. It's not like this." You said. "Then how it is Y/n?" She asked. You looked down in guilt not having something to say.

Amara sighed deeply, "Ok I'm sorry but coming back to modelling then you're pretty enough to be a model and about confidence and fashion sense, I'll pull it out from you plus your husband owns a fashion company, order him to take care of you, look after you or who will do that? He has to help you. Give him strict orders."

"And who are you miss to tell her about giving me orders?" Jimin's voice startled both of you. She turned around as you looked up at him standing on the door of your room with his office bag. He just came. You gulped down seeing the fierce look into his eyes and not knowing how much he heard.

"J-Jimin, when you came?" You asked. "Just when you both were shouting in my house." He said. You and Amara exchanged looks, gulping your saliva. "Aniyo Mr. ....." She elbowed you. "Park!!" you whispered. "Mr. Park, It's really not like what you are thinking right now. I didn't mean to say that." She tried to defend herself.

"Who is she Y/n?" Jimin asked. "Hm? Ah.. She, She is my friend, she is professional in stuff like modelling. I told you in morning,  she came here to help me learning it." You said.

"It doesn't seem like she was helping you with modelling but teaching you how to give orders to your husband." He said with his fierce look. 'Husband?' Your heart skipped a beat with the mention of this word.

"Aniyo Mr. Park, you're getting me wrong. I didn't........." Before Amara could finish, he left. You looked amazely at him going and then Amara. You wanted to laugh but stopped yourself, "Don't supress yourself Y/n. I know you want to laugh." She said.

"Aniyo, Ms. Ko Amara. You're getting me wrong. I didn't mean that." You laughed while Amara just rolled her eyes. "No I mean, why you reacted that way? Try being bold infront of him too." You teased her.

She sighed, "Ok I get it he is a scary person. You can't give him orders." She admitted. "well I'll leave now as it's already late. I'll come back tomorrow but remember you have to learn things yourself too. I mean you have internet babygirl. Search things from there, watch videos of professionals and much more things you know." She said.

"Ah okay!! I'll try." You said as she left and you walked with her to the door. You came back when you saw Jimin coming downstairs wearing his black fur jacket and his hair were messy.

He looked really stressed and tired as there was a sad frown on his face or you were quick to notice him

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He looked really stressed and tired as there was a sad frown on his face or you were quick to notice him. He came to sit on the couch as he turned on the TV and stretched his back a lil and then relaxed himself.

You went to the kitchen and made a good coffee for him as you came to give it to him. "I didn't ask for it." He said. "But you need it." You said.

'Well I really need it but.... Ah' He took it from you. "But you said, we have no more coffee left in morning." He remembered that. "I lied so you don't waste your time in making one for yourself plus it tastes bad." You said.

"woah! so That's how insult feels  like." He scoffed. "I didn't insult you but state the fact." You said. "Excuse me, I like my coffee so you don't have to drink it." He said. "ok!!" you shrugged off your shoulder and went upstairs.

"Her friend seriously taught her how to talk back." He muttered  and took a sip from his coffee. He took a pause for a second and realised the taste, 'Is this how homemade coffee taste like? was I seriously making fool of myself from years? wait... it's really good.'

He took another sip as a cold breeze took his attention. He suddenly saw blanket infront of his eyes as it was handed by you. "I didn't ask for it either." He said. "But you need it too. Don't you?" You said as he still looked at you amazed.

You put it beside him and were about to go when he hold your wrist and said, "Let's talk Y/n"

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