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You and Jimin came home. The ride was as usual silent and you didn't even expected him to say something. He was just driving. Sigh!!!

The first thing he did after coming home is, Going straight to his bed and changing into something comfortable, He jumped onto the bed and closed his eyes right away to sleep.

"I wanna sleep, My eyes are heavy." He mumbled before drifting into his dreamland. You were in your room, unpacking your clothes and your guitar bag with a smile. A thing you always adore, you always.

"I missed you my love. Muahh!!" You kissed your guitar and swayed it before placing it to it's right place carefully. "I have time. Let me do laundry first." You talked to yourself before walking out of your room.

"Jimin!!" You knocked out on his door. He didn't reply, It was all silent. You knocked again but same, so you jusg entered and there he was.

"Are you sleeping in the middle of day?" You asked out but he didn't respond. You went to him, "Jimin.. Jimin listen, Give me your clothes for laundry." You said shaking his shoulder.

He annoyingly opened his eyes half and whined, "What happened? What's the problem? Let me sleep." And he closed his eyes again hiding his face in the pillow. You shaked him again.

"Didn't you sleep at night? wake up.. It's not the right time. " You said. There was no response again as you sighed, "Ah ok.. Sleep. But Atleast Give me your clothes for laundry." You said.

"They are in bathroom." He pointed his finger there, his eyes still closed and lazy voice. You walked to his bathroom and took his clothes. He opened his one eye to see you as he sat up when you came back.

"You were asleep a minute ago. What happened now?" You asked. "You took my sleep." He mumbled. "What?" You asked. "I'm not sleepy anymore because of you." He said. You shrugged your shoulders and started walking out.

"Y/n.. listen" He stopped you as you turned to him, "hmm" You waited for him to continue, "Um... Can you watch out my cupboard too. It's really messy." He said rubbing the back of his head.

You arched your eyebrow, "Why are you being so nice? You could just fought over it with me like you always do." You said. "I'm not even that bad." He said looking down as you walked to his cupboard.

Taking out his clothes on the bed, you started folding them sitting infront of him on the edge of his bed. Jimin just stayed quiet and then suddenly spoke, "Why you do this?" He asked. "What?" You asked.

"Doing everything like this, For me." He asked. "You just told me to do this, That's why I'm doing it." You said being obvious.

"Y/n, You were treated like a princess at your father's home. All servants and you could focus on your dreams but here you do everything for me, Cooking Breakfast, lunch, dinner to laundy. Why? You could ask me to have a servant too. Then why you didn't?" He asked.

"Don't you have trust issues with them?" You asked looking at him, In confusion. "Did Eomma told you this too?" He asked. You nodded, "Hmm. She told me that you never liked having servants or maids. You have trust issues and many more things plus you are always rude who like to be alone."

He sighed, "Fine!! You both just rat out about me." You chuckled, "You can say." He sighed again, "But still. Why you have to do this? It's not right." He looked down. You studied him, "Jimin.. Is there something wrong? I mean, I just do it because I am married to you. I'm staying with you. What's wrong in it?"

"But you love me too." He mumbled in his low voice. It reminded you what your Appa told him yesterday. You sighed, "Jimin.. Is it bothering you? I mean, Don't be bother by me. I swear, Nothing will change." You looked at him for the response.

He said nothing but just staring at the nail of his thumb. "Jimin.. Look at me. Just forget about it and Be normal like me." You said as he looked up at you.

"I can never be like you Y/n. You're way too much..." He stopped before completing his sentence. He was frustrated. Something was really bothering him. "I'm way too much annoying? I know. I'm really sorry for bothering you Jimin but I never expected anything from you." You said.

He was hurt this time. He wasn't saying this. 'You're way too much nice for me.' He completed his sentence in his mind. "I never thought something like this for you." His voice was low.

"Having feelings for me? Then when I said you should have that for me? Love is only one time in life and you love Sa-na. I was happy that I love you but that doesn't mean I want you. I will leave after one and half month. I'll move on and you won't have to be bother by me then." You said.

"It's not like this Y/n. What if Sa-na was never in my life and only you love me. What you would do then?" He asked. He didn't know what he wanted to ask. He had questions for himself. His mind, his heart has to ask this from him but he didn't know. He wasn't listening them.

"I still would never expect you to love me. You're not a thing but a human. If you were a teddy bear, I just liked in a mall, then I swear I could snatch you or have you with tips and tricks but you're human I love, Your feelings, your emotions matter to me. God sake, Understand this." You were mad at him this time.

You just stood up and put his clothes back in the cupboard mannerly and taking his clothes of laundry, you just left the room.

"I swear I could snatch you or have you with tips and tricks. But you're a human I love, your feelings, your emotions matter to me. God sake, understand this." He sighed frustrately in his room alone and leaned back on his bed Staring at the ceiling.

"She cook for me, take care of me, Do each and everything for me. What if I get habitual to it? When she'll be gone, I'll miss her presence." He mumbled to himself.

A week later.....

It's been days since Jimin and you talked normally. He is same, interact less with you, talk less with you. He is not that rude though, He tried his best not to hurt you but his these acts always hurt you.

But you just stayed normal like before. Talked with him, Asked him the random questions you always have in your mind. Cooking dinner and all, everything was going fine for you.

It was another weekend again, Saturday. It was less hectic week in company. Few shoots and advertisement, you just did well and Whenever you got time, You gave it to your music.

It was evening time while Jimin was watching TV, and you were in kitchen preparing dinner already. "Jimin, Is it okay If I cook Ramen a lil spicy today? I'm craving for it." You asked from kitchen.

"Hmm!!" He just hummed in response focusing on his screen. You got back to humming and cooking, doing your work.

*Door bell rang*

You both exchanged glances at themselves. 'Who can came? We don't usually have visitors.' You both thought and you walked to the door opening it.

"Hey!!" A girl around your age, having fair skin with so done make-up, dressed up foreign was standing infront of you. She was wearing a above knee black middy dress with a white coat on it. Have an expensive DIOR handbag and her shades in his hand.


Sorry for two days without update.

Something new and interesting is coming, on the way.

Excited for next update?

Tap the star, vote up my dear Amigos.

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