Strongest Kids On The Planet

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Miles and Ryan play catch but Miles feels more force in Ryan's throws

Miles:hey Ryan you been lifting weights?



The two continue to play

Miles throws it a little to hard and Ryan knows this so he ducks from the ball as it goes into the street


Miles:it's called catch not dodge you Jack ass!!

Ryan runs to get it just then a car is speeding and hits him


Miles rushes over

Miles:Ryan Ryan!!!

Billy walks out of the car


Billy:he was in the bloody street mate!

Miles:Ryan wake up-

Just then Ryan wakes up catching his breath with little injuries shown

Miles:Y-Your alive?

Ryan:Yeah how?

The Group is now in Vought

Madelyn:He's a supe


Billy:well he is the son of that blonde prick homelander

Ryan:So do I like have all the powers of my dad?!

Madelyn:you do but you don't have as much control over them as he does


Becca:this is so not cool he's just a kid is there anyway to get rid the powers?

Madelyn:well miles is just a kid

Becca:yeah a kid who can beat the 7!!!

Madelyn:look you can't get rid of a Supes power unless you kill them and we both know you don't want that

Ryan:I wanna use my powers just like miles!

Becca:The answer is no!

Ryan's eyes glow red

Ryan:But that's not fair!!!!

He releases a beam of heat which Miles blocks before it can fry Becca

Ryan:Oh my god I'm so sorry!!

Miles waves his hand out

Miles:seems you can't really control your power dude I think I can help him a little


Miles:yeah I mean me and homelander are basically the same only difference is I don't have an superiority complex

Madelyn:he does a point


Madelyn:Becca from what we know Ryan's powers are already producing as we speak he should have all the powers of homelander who else has all the powers of homelander and then some MILES!!!

Becca:is it safe?

Miles Billy and Madelyn:No-


Miles:cmon it's never safe when it comes to powers-

Becca:fine...fine fine fine!!!

Miles and Ryan fist bump

A montage reveals the two training

Ryan's eyes glow red as does miles

The two engage in a eye beam struggle miles obviously holding back


his eye beams grow a little

Miles:Hehehehe NOW!!

Miles shuts down his eye beams

Ryan closes his eyes as he learns to control his heat vision

Miles:hold it...

Ryan struggles

Miles:hold it!!!


Miles:Control remember control!

Ryan begins breathing rapidly

Ryan's eyes turn normal as he masters his eye beams

Miles smiles at his progress

Billy takes the two to a junkyard

Miles instructs Ryan to hit the cars until they are sent flying

Ryan agreed and begins hitting the broken cars only leaving a dent

He delivers flurries of punches at the car again only leaving dents heavier then the last

As Day Passes Over Night and Night Passes Over Day

The boys are now 12 (Ryan) and 13(Miles)

Ryan now punched cars across the yard

He then punched the other across the yard

Miles and Ryan are now seen soaring in the sky

Ryan struggled to be airborne at first but gets the Hang of it

A transition shows Ryan flying into the reader and then backing up this time 16

Miles is 17 as the two do tricks in the air

The two teen land infront of a bank

Miles:Cmon guys at 7AM don't you have anything better to do?

The robbers shoot the two but the bullets bounce off of them

They smirk at eachother Ryan kicks a robber away and miles uppercuts one into the sky

The crowd applauded for the two youngest heroes

Ryan:thank you good people of New York!!!

The two lift off and fly away

Homelanders Jealousy is at an all time high he tries to get into the lead with his son and miles but every crime seems to already be stopped by the duo

Homelander gets tired of it and his anger rises even more at the rise of an new hero StormFront

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