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Miles sits among his destroyed home he feels the debris of the ground

A-Train and The Peak I mean The Deep Stand behind him

Deep:So...Soldier Boy

Miles:Don't talk to me

Deep:Doesn't this make you feel something that the rest of the world should be put in their place

Miles looks at deep

A-Train:nothing on this planet can stop you you'd be the best

Miles looks at the ground then at A-Train

Back At The Boys HQ now accompanied by Homelander and Ryan they all sit at the table

Billy:Miles did it...he killed him

Ryan:Miles won't change after this he's still gonna be the fun loving friend I've known for all my life

MM:I doubt that...once you cross the road of murder it's damn near impossible to get off that road

Ryan:you guys are over exaggerating...

The news tunes in

News Anchor:Seems Hero Titan is making a public announcement to our planet

It shifts to Titan accompanied by A-Train Ashley and Deep

Titan:You all know me as Titan or Mal-Zod. But my Earth name is Miles Stillwell. I am... was...a kind hearted child. I spent my time here playing with legos. I spent my time as a hero, reacting to many of those same evils. I failed you on both counts. What happened to Ms Stillwell can never be allowed to occur again.

Ryan:He wouldn't.

Billy:He is.

Titan:I don't care about your lands, beliefs or petty squabbles. I don't care if you're a freedom fighter or a terrorist, dictator or president. Monsters will not be allowed to roam free.



Titan:I am calling an immediate worldwide ceasefire. All hostilities will stop... or I will stop them. No one has the right to take innocent lives. No one. It's over.

News Caster:Titan stopped a genocidal war the government of M'Gota have been waging against its people.

male newscaster:In disputed Kashmir, Titan and A-Train destroyed every piece of military equipment, declaring it an arms-free zone.

Titan:You will agree to these terms or they will be agreed to for you.

He walks off the stage ignoring questions

Back At Seven HQ

The Deep:Have you even considered this?

Homelander:Deep. The Seven cannot be the world's police force.

Starlight:The week's events have proven otherwise, Homelander. Even now, Titan is saving lives while we talk.

Homelander:If we continue on this path, we go from policing to occupying to jailing, then becoming tyrants.

Queen Maeve:Or justice is finally done. Some won't like it, especially those that oppress the weak. But isn't that why we formed the Seven? To stop those people?

Homelander:And you and Titan will decide which laws to enforce?

Queen Maeve:One law... To do what's right. This is a time for action. With our help, Titan can make a perfect world.

Homelander:So now he's God?

She shakes her head and motions for homelander to leave

He leaves

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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