A Boy

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Miles:So...Soldier Boy He Left to meet some random ass guy


Miles:do you know where he went?

Billy:he said something about Vought

Miles and Ryan nod

They wave goodbye and fly toward Vought

The two walk toward an obviously heated homelander

Miles:someone is angry

Homelander flips him off

Homelander:Ashley, I don't fucking care.

His line beeps

Homelander:You're the spin doctor, go fucking spin it.

He looks at the two


Miles:We'll wait

He answers the phone


Operator:Sir, I apologize for disturbing you...
but you have a call. He says he's... Well, he's claiming to be Soldier Boy.

Miles and Ryan look at each other and walk behind homelander

Homelander:Put him through.

He presses a button

Homelander:This really you?

Soldier Boy:The situation's changed. I thought we should have a conversation.

Homelander:I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you got lucky once because you fucking ambushed me.

Miles:explains why he's pissed

Soldier Boy:Fall 1980, I get called into Vogelbaum's lab for an experiment, some shit about genetics. I still remember the Penthouse I used. June. Danielle Deneux, bush like a Pomeranian.


Soldier Boy:I beat my meat into a cup. Turns out...Vogelbaum made a kid. Born spring 1981.
A boy.

Miles and Ryan's eyes widen they look at homelander

Soldier:You know what the bitch of it is? If they'd have just kept me around, I'd have let you take the spotlight. What father wouldn't
want that for his son?

The two of them back up from homelander and leave the room

Billy:Soldier Boy is Homelander's fucking what?

Miles:Homelander's father.

Ryan:Biologically, at least.


Miles:two of the most powerful supes in all of history somehow not related? Don't you guys wanna kill homelander


Miles:question why haven't you asked me to do it I've beat his ass twice now

Billy:No clue mate

Frenchie:So...So what is homelander gonna do about this

Miles:no clue all I'm thinking is he might stop by Vought I'm debating on if I should tell ol Blondie...wait he can prolly hear me

Homelander:I can

He soars away

Back at Vought Black Noir sharpens his knives to prepare for Soldier Boy's visit.

Homelander:Sharpen it for a thousand hours,
still won't cut Soldier Boy's skin. So... you were on his team.

BN nods

Homelander:You knew him. What was he like?

BN draws "BAD"

Homelander:Come on. Nobody's all bad. He's my father. I didn't believe him at first. I ripped apart the company archives, and... it's true. It's true. They lied to me my whole life. Surprise.
Thing I needed most as a kid and they kept it from me.

BN Draws "Must Kill Him"

Homelander:Now, well, I... I'm not sure I want to. It's funny, you know, everyone thinks of you as this, uh... unreadable sphinx. A mystery. Not me. I see through that mask. I mean, literally,
I can see your face. Your battle scars. The crooked old smile of yours. I know when you're happy, sad, telling the truth. Lying. Did you know? That I had a father out there? Alive this whole time?

BN hesitated before nodding

Homelander:Fuck. Why didn't you tell me? You should've told me.

Noir was then eviscerated by Homelander when he punched into his stomach and ripped his intestines out; after he fell down, Noir saw Buster and his friends one last time

Buster:D-D-Don't worry, Earving. We are so proud of you. Soon you'll be in the sweet embrace of C-C-C...Christ the Lord!

Miles and Ryan walk in

Miles:Big fuckin P-

They see only BN's body


Homelander looks down

Homelander:He knew he but...but he didn't tell me

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