Finally Face To Face With Soldier Boy

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Welcome To The Season 1 Finale let's get to it!

Miles:This soldier boy guys a ghost...


They arrive home and see their door opened

Miles:Mom never keeps the door open

Ryan:that's odd

The two walk in



They get no response it's as if their parents sort of left

Miles:what the hell

They sniff the air it's like a burning sensation

The two look at eachother then rush upstairs

They open doors and don't find im their parents until they go to the basement

The Charred Bodies Of Madelyn and Becca lay against the ground



The two drop to their knees and hold their parents bodies

Miles:Please God No

Their eyes glow red

Ryan and Miles:NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They release a heavy beam of energy from their eyes destroying the house

It's revealed Soldier Boy is walking out of the house having hid in the closet from the boys

He chuckles

Soldier Boy:should have just told me what I wanted to know Madelyn and Butcher

He walks off

Homelander lands infront of the destroyed house

Homelander:what the hell happened here?

He walks toward where he hears two heartbeats

Homelander:Ry Miles!

He does a forceful clap sending the debris away and revealing the two boys

Homelander:You two ok?


Ryan:Dad did you kill mom and Ms Stillwell?

Homelander:now why would I do that knowing good and god damn well miles would beat the SHIT out of me

Miles:Correction Kill You

Ryan:Then who d-

The two come to a realization

Miles:Soldier Boy...

Miles eyes glow red

He soars toward soldier boys heartbeat with nothing but rage and fury dwelling in his blood

Billy:He's my wife's son.

Soldier Boy:Wait, Homelander fucked your wife? And you want to save the brat? The hell's wrong with you?

Billy:I made a promise.

Soldier Boy:whatever

Billy:What did you need to see Madelyn for?

Soldier Boy:oh no I killed that bitch

Billy's eyes widen

Billy:You what?

Miles crashes in his eyes an intense red


Miles tosses Billy to the side walking toward soldier boy

Queen Maeve:Miles Miles STOP!!!!

Miles throws her to the side as well

Miles:My Mom...You took my mom...the one person I ever cared about...and you just killed her

Soldier Boy:Don't be such a weak sniveling pussy

Miles growls

He grabs soldier boy by the throat and holds him up

Miles:you don't even feel sorry about it you evil pathetic excuse for a living being

Soldier boy tries punching miles but he doesn't even react to it in fact soldier boy breaks his hand

Miles:How could you!

Billy rushes after miles to stop him but miles palms Billy through the wall

Soldier Boy:you know what she said before I charred her alive she said "please leave my son alone"

He laughs miles eyes glow red he yells and jams his hand through soldier boys abdomen

He drops soldier boys dead body and looks at Billy

Ryan and Homelander arrive

They see the body of soldier boy and Miles's bloody hand

Ryan:What'd you do?

Miles doesn't say a word to his best friend and flies away

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