Chapter 12: Arrival

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Qibli and Moon returned down the mountain and met up with Kinkajou and Peril, Turtle was cooped up in his room studying the Dream Visor. "Hey guys! How are you both?" Kinkajou asked, with the same smile on her face. "We're good. How are you?" Moon asked, looking at Kinkajou suspiciously.

"I'm doing just fine!" She cheered, her scales turning bright pink before going back to her natural colours. Peril smiled "I'm doing fine, Clay and I have almost perfected our fired walrus recipe! We just need a few more spices and it'll be perfect." "Awesome! I can't wait to try it when it's done and over with." They all walked back to their dorms, Kinkajou and Moon going to their cave while Qibli went to Turtle to help with the Dream Visor. Peril went back to her cave to sleep.

"Everything alright Moon?" 

Moon looked up to face Kinkajou and smiled. There was a high-pitched ringing.


She saw Glory in pain. Deathbringer was at her side, holding her claw and whispering soothing things to her. Glory's scales were red and yellow, a mix of joy and pain. There were other dragons around them. There was Turtle, Moon, Kinkajou and some nurses that were constantly running back and forth carrying some flowers, wet leaves that they placed on the Rainwing Queen's forehead and the other one was shouting orders.

With one last yell, there were faces of relief and happiness. Glory looked as though she was on the verge of passing out but Deathbringer held her and whispered praises while kissing her cheek. One of the nurses picked something up.

An egg.


Moon woke up from her vision, to her surprise she didn't fall to the ground. "Moon? You alright? You're crying..." Moon raised her claw and gently grazed her snout, and there were tears. She smiled "I had the best vision ever... And it's close..."

"Really? Do tell!" 

"It's Queen Glory.... Her egg is going to arrive soon!"

Kinkajou squealed with delight and her tail began to wag "Toucan feathers! That's amazing! Did you see the egg? Is Queen Glory alright? Am I there? Did you see the dragonet?" She asked, jumping on Moon and shaking her shoulders "whoa whoa whoa... Yes, you're there, yes, she's alright, yes I saw the egg, no, no dragonet."

Kinkajou pouted, then sighed and smiled "oh dragonets... They're just sooo cuuuuute! Even cuter than baby Koalas!" Moon chuckled "of course you know what it's like to be with egg Kinkajou." Moon called out, poking her friend's arm. "What? What do you-" "Kinakjou~" She cooed in a way that told her that Moon knew. Kinkajou pouted "the 'forcing truth out of dragons' is my thing Moon."

The girls chuckled "yes, I am with egg, I know I'm a little young but it's not uncommon." Moon gave Kinkajou a hug "as soon as I see a vision your dragonet, I'm telling you and Turtle as soon as possible." Kinkajou nodded "how far along are you?" Moon asked, "well, Turtle told me I'm about two months. The egg won't arrive for another 2 months, then it won't hatch for another 6."


"That's the school gong. We'd better head to class."

Everyone went back to their class. Everyone was seated at their desks. "Good morning everyone!" "Good morning Mrs. Sunny." "I hope everyone is doing alright, today, we'll be looking at the history of Skywings." She turned back and faced the board (which was a giant stone wall that she would draw on with her claw, that would reset to blank when she needed). 

"Can anyone tell me how many Queens there were in the past 300 years?"

A random student raised their hand "17?" "Close," Sunny answered, "there were actually 19. They all lived long lives." She said, writing down on the board "can anyone tell me the names of the past 6 Skywing Queens?"

Moon raised her hand.


"Queen Ruby now, Scarlet,  Azure, Empyrean, Sunfire and Dawn." "Excellent." Sunny praised, writing down the names on the board as Moon named the Queens. "Make sure you memorize at least three of those because it's going to be on the test." Everyone wrote down the names of the Queens.

"Mrs. Sunny?" A Mudwing at the back called out with their claw raised. "Do you have a question Sepia?" Sepia nodded "did all of these Queens challenge their mother? Or did they wait for their passing to claim the throne?" Sunny smiled "and excellent question. Queen Ruby, Scarlet, and Azure overthrew their mothers, Empyrean, Sunfire and Dawn were either gifted the throne or they waited for their mother to pass. This won't be on the test but I'm glad you asked."

Sepia nodded and wrote it down.

There was a knock at the door. "Come on in!" Sunny cheered, everyone's head snapping towards the dragon coming through the door. "Clay! I'm in class, but what's up?" She asked, hugging the Mudwing. "I'm good," he broke the hug and waved to everyone "sorry to interrupt this lesson, but the new student has arrived."

"New student?"

Some dragon asked, "yes, since Icicle is no longer attending the Academy, Queen Snowfall has sent us another student." Clay answered with a smile. "He's waiting outside right now. Can I send him in?" Sunny smiled.

Just then, and Icewing came in. The Icewing was almost as tall as Clay, being off by a horn. The new student had pure white scales but the underside of their wings were pale blue. They had blue spots along their tail and had a kind smile complemented by pitch black eyes.

"Hello everyone, I'm Snowslide. It's nice to meet you all." 

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