Chapter 13: New Student

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Snowslide smiled and waved his claw at the class. "I'm Snowslide, it's nice to meet you all." Moon squinted her eyes at the new student. She tried looking into his mind, but there was nothing. The only thing she heard was the sound of howling wind. 

Is he blocking his mind with Skyfire?  

She looked at him but didn't see anything on him that could hold a small stone. She brushed it off and shrugged. "Moon, would you mind allowing Snowslide to sit next to you?" Sunny asked, "of course." She replied, causing Snowslide to smile and walk towards her. He sat down on his small leaf pile with the desk in front of him. 

He extended his front talon towards Moon "it's nice to meet you Moonwatcher." 

"Call me 'Moon', everyone does." He nodded "alright, so Moon, what are your hobbies?" He asked, grabbing some supplies out of the bag that Sunny gave him with school supplies as he walked to the desk next to Moon.

"Oh, I like reading. I know it sounds weird but I do." "There's nothing wrong with reading!" Snowslide retorted with a smile "reading is a great way to pass the time or to keep yourself occupied. Tell me, is there anything you like reading specifically?" Moon thought for a moment "I like reading anything really, although, I like reading about myths and legends all around Pyrrhia."

"Oooh! Anything peak your interest?" He asked "well," she started "there's this myth that the Seawings have about this giant kingdom deep in the ocean, very well hidden. They say that if the Seawings ever lose their home, they would find their way to that kingdom.... Atlantis... I think that's what they call it." "That's so cool!" Moon chuckled.

"The Icewings have a legend that the royal family can have Frostbreath much colder than the rest of the Icewings. Normally, our Frostbreath can go to -350*C, the royal family can go much colder. According to the legend, the under scales on their necks glow bright blue, then their Frostbreath appears blue, not white." "How cold is it?" "About -700*C. But no royal can do it, as I said, only a legend." "Still very cool though."

Snowslide chuckled "that was a terrible pun." Moon chuckled. The duo faced the board and continued with the lesson. 


"And this is our favorite hangout spot!" Qibli said, pointing to a small cliff near the top of Jade Mountain. "Wow... This is beautiful..." Snowslide awed, looking around. "Do you guys come here a lot?" "Sometimes," Kinkajou replied. "Although we come here to do our homework or to gather our thoughts. This is also a special place for me and Turtle though." She said, wrapping her tail around Turtle's "it's where he asked me to be his mate."

Snowslide smiled "congratulations to you both!" Turtle smiled and Kinkajou stepped next to him and leaned on him. "You both look like a very happy couple." "I never had a lover..." Snowslide said with a sigh "don't worry, I'm sure you'll fine the one." Qibli said, wrapping his wing around Snowslide. 

"Thanks man, means a lot."

Qibli smiled "alright, it's almost lunch. You guys wanna get something from the caf or go out?" Everyone looked at one another until Turtle spoke up "I hear the dragonfruits are ripe for picking. Should we head to the rainforest and pick some?"

Everyone looked at one another and nodded "that sounds nice! I can show you guys the best place to pick fruit!" Everyone smiled and leaned down, raising their wings and jumping up to fly away.

Moon froze when she heard a screech.

She sat down and tucked in her wings. When she looked at the source of the noise, she saw a small ball of red flying towards her. It screeched once more and landed in front of her, tucking in its wings. Moon looked closer and saw a small container on the bird's back. She reached for the clip and snapped it open. There was a small piece of paper inside and she slowly took it out and raised her claw.

The small bird jumped on her shoulder and sat down. The scroll was rolled up with a small blue wax seal with a snowflake on it. There was her name right above it written in beautiful writing. She snapped open the seal and unraveled the scroll, which was about the seize of her forearm.

Dear Moon,

Well, I've kept my promise and written a letter. The falcon who delivered this to you is named Newsbringer. He likes being scratched on his head and on his neck. He's also very cuddly so I won't be surprised if when you're reading this he's on your shoulder sitting down.

Moon turned her head and Newsbringer was sitting on her shoulder with his head on her neck. She chuckled and turned back to the paper.

I'm doing alright, and I appreciated your visit to me. I have been pretty lonely these past few days, but I've been keeping myself occupied. 

I hope everything is doing alright back at Jade Mountain. Aren't exams coming up soon? I hope everyone does well. I know how stressful it can be, but believe in yourselves and take some breaks while studying. Don't push yourselves and relax. 

I hope everything is alright in the Rainwing Kingdom, I heard that Queen Glory's due date is coming up soon. But I know you already saw it coming. (Bad Future Seer joke I know.) 

Moon chuckled.

I hope everything goes well for her. 

If you want to write me letters, just put it in Newsbringer's pouch and he'll fly it over to me. If you ever want to feed him, he likes eating smaller bird (especially pigeons) but doesn't mind the occasional salmon. I found he really likes smoked salmon.

That is all for now, I promise I'll write more soon.

Yours truly, 


"Moon! You coming?" Turtle asked, looking back at the Nightwing after realizing she wasn't behind him. She smiled and rolled up the scroll and held it close to her heart "coming!"

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